LEC Future Plans


Lower Lonsdale

LEC first started delivering cost-effective, high-efficiency thermal energy to the Lower Lonsdale area through a state-of-the-art heating system. Lower Lonsdale, including the historic Shipyards precinct, is both large in area and dense in population, with residential and commercial buildings situated alongside cultural and historic ones. The City's Waterfront Project and Burrard Pier Development have transformed the former Shipyards site and brought in new visitors and businesses to the area. LEC provides space cooling services to five customers at the Shipyards Precinct (Shipyard Commons, Tap & Barrel, The Pipe Shop, the Polygon Gallery and the Shipyard ice rink) through a cooling network and heat recovery system. Heat energy from the cooling network is recovered, upgraded and delivered to LEC’s heating network; this heat would otherwise be rejected into the atmosphere.


Central Lonsdale

A second service area was created when LEC expanded its delivery of environmental, social and economic benefits into Central Lonsdale. Initially, LEC expanded its services into Central Lonsdale to serve the City's new Library/Civic Centre Development and has since expanded to further to meet the growing population and energy needs in the area. Heat production at the Central Lonsdale miniplant located in City Hall is assisted by 120 solar hot water panels on the top of the new library, which produce zero emissions and helps reduce carbon emissions in the City. Additionally, a ground source heat pump system that pulls heat from the ground and recovers heat from cooling buildings has been constructed under the North Vancouver School District office building and Gordon Smith Art Gallery.


Marine Harbourside

The development of a third service area occurred in the Marine Harbourside area. A miniplant was constructed at the City of North Vancouver Works Yard at the corner of West 1st Street and Fell Avenue with district energy system piping serving newly constructed buildings in the Marine Drive corridor and Harbourside area. LEC also serves the City Works Yard building, Greenhouse, and the North Shore Rescue Building.



With the area-wide rezoning of Moodyville, LEC extended its district energy system from Lower Lonsdale along 3rd Street to establish its fourth service area and provide thermal energy to the expected 1,500 new homes in this neighbourhood.



LEC achieved its long-standing goal of interconnecting its service areas with the completion of district energy piping along West Keith Road in 2017 connecting the Central Lonsdale and Harbourside service areas and the completion of piping along St. Georges Avenue in 2018 connecting Central Lonsdale and Lower Lonsdale. The interconnection of its services areas allows LEC to maximize the use of low carbon emission energy sources by using them in priority amongst all customers.


Future Plans

The City of North Vancouver Hydronic Heat Energy Service Bylaw requires that all new buildings over 1,000 m2 be connected to the district energy system. As a result, the system is expanding rapidly in all service areas to accommodate new customers. LEC is constantly investigating and looking to implement new energy sources that will lower the carbon emissions in the community.

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