Latest Construction Updates
Construction is currently underway and includes installation of underground utilities and associated road work to support development of the site. Specific impacts include:
Construction will Begin in 2025
Fell Avenue Overpass Improvements – West 1st Street intersection
The Fell Avenue Overpass is being widened to accommodate a dedicated right-turn lane onto West 2nd Street and a new multi-use pathway on the east side of the overpass. These improvements will better manage northbound vehicle traffic while providing a safer, more comfortable experience for pedestrians and cyclists.
- Construction expected to begin mid-October
- Minimum one lane of traffic open in each direction at all times
- Construction will occur from 7 a.m. – 8 p.m., Monday to Friday and 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. on Saturday, if required
- Please expect some noise and vibration
Harbourside Drive, between Gostick Place and Bodwell High School (955 Harbourside Drive)
LEC District Energy – underground utilities
- Construction will occur during the day from 7 a.m. – 8 p.m., Monday to Friday and 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. on Saturday, if required
- Parking closures in effect along Harbourside Drive
- Spirit Trail detour at Bewicke Avenue. Signage in place
- All businesses along Harbourside Drive remain open
- Road closures south of Harbourside Drive to facilitate offsite infrastructure works
- Greenspace south of Harbourside Place closed. Kings Mill Walk Park and park areas west of Harbourside Place remain open and accessible

The Harbourside neighbourhood is undergoing significant change. Construction of a mixed-use residential and commercial development project is currently underway and expected to span up to 10 years.
The development is located south of the North Shore Automall and consists of four parcels of land totalling 12-acres of waterfront property. The first phase of the development – North Harbour - began in 2023 on the easternmost parcel adjacent to Mosquito Creek. North Harbour consists of four mid-rise buildings including three condominiums and one market rental housing building. The project will also deliver a renewed Kings Mill Walk Park and Spirit Trail, sea level rise mitigation measures, utility upgrades, neighbourhood vehicle access improvements, and new pedestrian and cycling infrastructure.
Construction Schedule & Updates
Phase 1 | September 2023 - Summer 2025
Construction of Phase 1 offsite infrastructure works began in September 2023 and is anticipated to be completed in February 2025. Construction signage, wayfinding and traffic control personnel will be on site at all times to assist in getting through the area. The scope of work for this phase includes the following works:
- Underground utilities
- A new storm water treatment facility at the foot of Fell Avenue
- Sea level rise mitigation measures
- New sidewalks and landscaping, including new street trees in the boulevards
- A bi-directional bike lane along the south side of Harbourside Drive
- Improved Spirit Trail facilities
Regular updates will be provided on this webpage. To be directly notified of construction updates, please email Ponte Brothers Contracting at
Parking Impacts
There will be ongoing impacts to parking to facilitate construction. Regulations change frequently, so please give yourself extra time when visiting the area. To subsidize affected street parking during Phase 1 construction, Concert Properties have expanded temporary public parking at 925 Harbourside Drive (controlled by IMPARK) to provide the public with free parking for the first 4 hours.
In addition, 60 stalls have been added in the south of the IMPARK lot. All public parking is free for the first 4 hours. The remainder of the lot will accommodate construction staging and parking for tradespeople to help mitigate impacts to street parking in the area. This temporary parking lot is intended to remain in place until this phase of the development begins construction.

Kings Mill Walk Park | Spring 2025
The next phase of construction will include a newly designed Kings Mill Walk Park, including improvements to the shoreline and habitat enhancements. This work is anticipated to begin in Fall 2024. Visit the project webpage for more information.
Phase 2 | Spring 2025
Phase 2 of the development includes 801 Harbourside Drive and associated infrastructure works including utilities, storm water management, sidewalks and various roadwork.
Background Documents
Get In Touch
Questions about the development, permits, and more
Matthew Menzel, Planner
City of North Vancouver |
Questions about off-site construction, parking, and Spirit Trail diversion
Krister Naab, Project Manager
City of North Vancouver |
Questions about North Harbour development
Concert Properties |