When snowfall is expected, preparation and planning are important in keeping everyone safe and minimizing impact.
The City monitors road and weather conditions throughout the winter. When snow and icy conditions are forecast, crews and equipment are dispatched to clear roads on a priority basis. We appreciate your patience during snow events, as municipal crews work to keep your streets clear and safe.
Learn more on this page about your responsibilities and how to prepare for snowfall.
Preparing For Snowfall
Everyone should be prepared and know what to do in extreme weather conditions. Learn more on our Extreme Cold webpage.
- Stock up early with a shovel and supply of salt or eco-friendly de-icer.
- Ensure gutters and storm drains in front of your home are clear of snow, ice, leaves, and other debris to allow for proper drainage of rain and melted snow, reducing the risk of flooding.
- Keep an emergency kit and supplies in your home, office, and car.
- Fill your gas tank, and ensure your vehicle is ready for winter driving.
- If needed, make alternate arrangements to commute to work, school, or appointments.
- Monitor weather warnings at Public Weather Warnings for British Columbia.
Get more information on preparing for emergencies at North Shore Emergency Management (NSEM) or PreparedBC.
Priority Map for City Street Snow Clearing
- Priority 1 - Major arterial streets, bus routes, and access to emergency services, like hospitals
- Priority 2 - Collector streets and streets leading to schools
- Priority 3 - Local streets
Note: Priority 3 streets are cleared only after snow and ice conditions on Priority 1 & 2 routes have stabilized. When snowfall is continual, it may take longer for plows to reach local streets as Priority 1 & 2 streets require additional attention.
- Lanes and alleys are not plowed.
Multi-Use Paths & Separated Bike Lanes
At the same time as roads are being cleared, a separate team with specialized equipment helps to clear multi-use paths and bike lanes in order of priority as follows:
- Major multi-use paths
- Separated bike lanes
- Pathways within parks

Responsibilities of Residents and Businesses
Snow-Clearing Reponsibilities
Clear snow or ice from sidewalks and footpaths bordering your property within 24 hours after snow has stopped falling or ice has formed (Bylaw 6234 - part 814).
Please note:
- Failing to clear your sidewalk or property impacts the safety of pedestrians, particularly seniors
- If you can't clear snow yourself, prearrange with a family, neighbours, or a snow removal service
- Don't shovel snow onto the street
- De-ice for safety. Salt (sodium chloride) is the cheapest and most available option for de-icing, but it damages vehicles, roads, and our waterways. Once salt has been added to water it will always be there. Mimimize your use of salt by:
- Shovelling before sanding
- Using a thin layer of salt, just to break the bonds between ice and pavement
- Sprinkling only where needed for safety
- Sprinkling evenly – clumped salt is wasted salt
What You Can Do While It's Snowing
- Shovel early and often
- Be a snow angel and help your neighbours clear their sidewalks and walkways
- Drive only if necessary or take transit
- Avoid parking on the street to allow snow plows and salt trucks the room required to safely clear streets - this is particularly important on cul-de-sacs and narrow roadways
- Don't abandon your car if it gets stuck, as it may obstruct snow clearing and could be ticketed and/or towed
- Check on neighbours and family members, especially if they're elderly

Garbage, Green Can & Recycling Collection
During a snow event, it may be necessary for the City to suspend or delay collection of garbage or green can collection. Recycle BC’s contractor, Emterra, may also suspend or delay collection of recycling. If this occurs, notifications will be posted on the CityCollect app, downloadable at cnv.org/CityCollect, on the City’s social media channels, and at cnv.org/CurbsideCollection.
In cases where collection is delayed or suspended due to snow or ice, residents are asked to place their containers out the following day for collection. If crews are unable to complete the service the next day, residents are asked to bring containers back in and put them out on their next scheduled pick up day.
School Closures
Schools can also be affected by heavy snowfall. In the event of a major snowfall, local area schools may be closed.
Get more information about closures from the source:
- North Vancouver School District – www.sd44.ca
- West Vancouver School District – westvancouverschools.ca or 604-981-1234 (24 hours)
- Independent/Private Schools – contact school directly