Extreme Heat

Although BC's South Coast does not typically experience the same extreme summer heat as other regions of Canada, our summer temperatures can climb to dangerous highs. We have two levels of heat alerts:

  • Heat Warning: Daytime and overnight temperatures are higher than seasonal norms and holding steady
  • Extreme Heat Emergency: Daytime and overnight temperatures are higher than seasonal norms and getting hotter every day

Extreme heat events (or 'heat waves') are complex health emergencies. The more protective measures you take, the safer you'll be – especially important if you have one or more risk factors. For more information on heat-related illness, please call BC HealthLink at 811, or visit preparedbc.ca/ExtremeHeat.

Where to Cool Down in the City

We have ways to keep help you stay cool! 

Water Fill Stations/Fountains

Spray and Splash Parks

Seek Cool Spaces

Get Help & Information

If you require emergency services, call 9-1-1 for police, fire and ambulance assistance.

The links below also provide specific information on dealing with heat.

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