a. Expand the City’s network of protected mobility lanes.
Mobility lanes include a range of infrastructure and facilities designed to separate and physically protect slower moving modes, like bicycles, scooters, and skateboards, from automobiles and pedestrians. The City will prioritize mobility lane investments on corridors that have high demand and connect key destinations.
b. Increase the availability of dedicated passenger and commercial loading zones.
Dedicated loading zones provide a safe space for vehicles to pull out of the street when picking up or dropping off people and goods. The City will prioritize establishing
new or redesigning existing loading spaces in key locations in the City’s most congested areas, where demand for curb space is highest and the risk of conflict is greatest.
c. Deliver a more complete and comfortable sidewalk network.
The City will focus on providing a complete sidewalk network on both sides of all streets within a reasonable walking distance (typically 400-metres) of all key pedestrian
areas and destinations in the City, prioritizing investments around schools, community centres, and frequent transit corridors. The City will prioritize improving the quality of existing narrow sidewalks on our busiest pedestrian corridors.
d. Create more people-focused streets and blocks.
The City will look to temporarily restrict or close key streets or areas to motorized traffic during times when there are high volumes of people walking, riding, and rolling on
e. Make investments to improve designated walking and rolling routes to schools.
In recent years, the City has worked with schools across our community to identify designated routes for children and guardians to travel to school using non-motorized
ways. Moving forward, we will identify further interventions needed to improve these routes through elements such as gateway signage and wayfinding, traffic diverters,
traffic management.
f. Maintain safe and direct routes for people walking or cycling in and around construction and special event
The City will require the provision of direct, unobstructed and where possible protected routes for people walking or cycling as part of the permitting process for construction
and development, special events and public works.