The City one of a group of municipalities across Canada working together to plan for the impacts of climate change by participating in the ICLEI Canada Building Adaptive and Resilient Communities (BARC) program. The BARC program is a five milestone framework for planning and adapting to the impacts of climate change. The initiative focuses on assessing local vulnerability to climate change, implementing adaptation strategies, and integrating adaptation planning with other key planning processes. The process consists of five milestones:
- Initiate the planning process by identifying stakeholders, assembling an adaptation team, taking a first look at how climate change will impact the City, and committing to the BARC program (Completed December 2012)
- Research the expected climate changes and impacts, and conduct vulnerability and risk assessments to identify the highest priority impacts to the City's infrastructure and services (Completed September 2013)
- Create an Adaptation Plan that outlines the City's adaptation goals, objectives, and actions to address the impacts of climate change (In Progress)
- Implement the plan by securing support from Council, City staff, and the community to put the Adaptation Plan into action
- Monitor and review the progress toward the plan's goals and objectives, and the effectiveness of the adaptation actions, review the scientific information used to create the plan, and update the action plan where needed
The City is committed to the BARC Program and increasing our sustainability and resilience through the development and implementation of the Climate Change Adaptation Plan. The City has made the strategic decision to integrate adaptation plan with existing priorities, plans, and actions, including the City's Official Community Plan (OCP) update. By adopting adaptation as a key initiative in the OCP and integrating it throughout all of its operations, the City continues to show its commitment to sustainability, maintaining community vitality, and climate leadership.