Public Input Period

Have a comment you want to share with Mayor and Council? The Public Input Period is your opportunity to share your thoughts with Council and have your comments placed on record, subject to the limitations and restrictions noted in the Speaker Guidelines below. Please note that during the Public Input Period, Mayor and Council are there to listen only and will not respond to questions.

Sign Up to Speak

There are two ways to speak during the Public Input Period, in person or virtually. Please review both options and our guidelines below before registering to speak:

Speakers who choose to participate in person must register by signing the speaker list located outside the Council Chamber between 5:30 and 5:50pm on the day of the Council meeting. Enter City Hall from 13th Street after 5:30pm. Please do not submit the online form to speak in person, as it is strictly used to register for virtual participation only.
Via Webex or Phone

Speakers who choose to participate electronically must pre-register by 12:00 noon on the day of the Council meeting by completing the electronic registration form linked below, or by phoning 604-990-4234 to provide contact information. Pre-registrants will receive Webex/phone instructions via email or phone on the afternoon of the Council meeting, including a request to connect to the meeting 15-30 minutes before the meeting start time.

Register to Speak Electronically at a Public Input Period

Speaker Guidelines

The Public Input Period is addressed in sections 12.20 to 12.28 of “Council Procedure Bylaw, 2015, No. 8500.”  The time allotted for each speaker addressing Council during the Public Input Period is 2 minutes, with the number of speakers set at 5 persons.  Speakers’ comments will be audio recorded, as well as live-streamed on the City’s website, and will form part of the public record.

Speakers may only speak on the same matter once in a 3-month period.

Speakers during the Public Input Period are permitted to join the meeting in person in the Council Chamber or electronically via Webex.  There are 2 ways to sign up to speak during the Public Input Period.

  1.  IN PERSON:  Speakers who choose to participate in person must sign the speaker list located outside the Council Chamber between 5:30 and 5:50pm on the day of the Council meeting.
  2. ELECTRONICALLY VIA WEBEX:  Speakers who choose to participate electronically must pre-register by 12:00 noon on the day of the Council meeting by completing the online form, or by phoning 604-990-4234.  These pre-registrants will receive instructions by email or phone on the afternoon before the Council meeting.

If a speaker has written material to accompany their comments, the material must be sent to the Corporate Officer at no later than 12:00 noon on the day of the Council Meeting.

The Public Input Period provides an opportunity for comment only and places the speaker’s concern on record, without the expectation of a response from Council.  Speakers must comply with the General Rules of Conduct set out in section 5.1 of “Council Procedure Bylaw, 2015, No. 8500” and may not speak with respect to items as listed in section 12.25(2), including Zoning Bylaws for which a Public Hearing will not be held or is prohibited under section 464 of the Local Government Act.

Speakers are requested not to address matters that refer to items from a concluded Public Hearing/Public Meeting or to Public Hearings, Public Meetings and Committee meetings when those matters are scheduled on the same evening’s agenda, as an opportunity for public input is provided when the particular item comes forward for discussion.

Please address the Mayor as “Your Worship” or “Mayor, followed by their surname”.  Councillors should be addressed as “Councillor, followed by their surname”.

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