The General Rules of Conduct are outlined in Section 12.20 to 12.28 of Council Procedure Bylaw, 2015, No. 8500.
Each speaker has two (2) minutes to address Council, with the number of speakers set at 5 persons per meeting.
Speakers may only speak on the same matter once in a 3-month period.
Speakers must not comment on:
- Matters for which a Public Hearing will be held and bylaw(s) published: Official Community Plan Bylaws and Zoning Bylaws (including amending bylaws), Heritage Designation Bylaws or Bylaws to authorize a Heritage Revitalization Agreement, once the bylaw has been published on the City’s website in advance of a Public Hearing to be held (i.e. an opportunity for public comment on these matters will be provided when the item comes forward for public questions and comments at the Public Hearing, and can only be recognized and form part of the official record at that time. Any comments made at Public Input Period prior to publication of the bylaw will not form part of the Public Hearing and will not be considered by Council in its decision on the bylaw; therefore speakers should make comments at the Public Hearing);
- Matters for which a Public Hearing is prohibited or waived: Zoning Bylaws (including amending bylaws) where a Public Hearing is prohibited under the Local Government Act (i.e. consistent with OCP and at least 50% residential), or where Council has elected not to hold a Public Hearing when permitted to do so by the Local Government Act;
- Matters for which a Public Hearing has been held, or was prohibited or waived, if the associated bylaw has been neither defeated nor adopted by Council;
- Matters for which an opportunity for public comment will be provided: A proposed Development Permit, Development Variance Permit, Heritage Alteration Permit or a Temporary Use Permit, LEC Rate Review or other matter where the proposed permit has been published on the City’s website and Council will be holding a public meeting (i.e. an opportunity for public comment on these matters will be provided when the item comes forward for discussion at the public meeting, and can only be recognized and form part of the official record at that time).
When speaking, please address the Mayor as “Your Worship” or “Mayor” followed by their surname. Please address Councillors as “Councillor” followed by their surname.
Speakers’ comments will be live-streamed and recorded on the City’s website.
If a speaker has written material to accompany their comments, the material must be sent to the Corporate Officer at no later than 12:00 noon on the day of the Council Meeting.