We welcome your interest in active applications currently proposed in the City. This page has a map and list of all active applications in the City, including:
- Development Permit applications
- Zoning Bylaw Amendment (rezoning) applications
- Development Variance Permit applications
- Official Community Plan Amendment applications
- Temporary Use Permit applications
Major projects are listed separately.
Residents have the opportunity to be part of the application process at any time by contacting the applicant or City staff. Certain types of applications, such as major rezonings and Official Community Plan Amendments may have a Virtual Developer Information Session or Town Hall Meeting where interested members of the public can learn about the application and share their input.
Official Community Plan Amendments, non-residential rezoning applications, and rezoning applications which are inconsistent with the Official Community Plan will have a Public Hearing as part of the Council process, as per the Local Government Act. Visit the Public Hearing page for more information.
For more information on active applications, please contact the Planning Department at
Major Applications (6+ residential units / non-residential)
Following is a list of active development applications that contain three or more residential units, or are non-residential (i.e. commercial, industrial, or institutional). These commonly include zoning bylaw amendments (rezoning) or development permit applications.
Industrial, Commercial & Institutional
Minor Applications (1-5 residential units)
Following is a list of active development applications that contain one or two residential units. These commonly include rezonings for duplexes and infill houses, as well as development permit applications for streamside protection areas.
Note: Coach House Development Permits are processed concurrently with a Coach House Building Permit and are not included on this list. Email gateway@cnv.org if you have a question about a particular Coach House application. Learn more at cnv.org/CoachHouse.
Map of Active Applications
Archived Applications
Applications listed below have gone through the application process and are no longer active. The list below is not a complete archive. For information about past applications not listed below, please email planning@cnv.org.