Dramatic growth in the use of smartphones, tablets and other devices that use phone, text and data for everything from email to videos is outpacing the existing wireless network capacity in the City. Existing sites which once provided reliable service have become less effective when faced with higher demand volumes and gaps in service are increasing.
In addition, the licensing of wireless spectrum across the country has seen an increase in re-purposing of underutilized licenses adding capacity to the industry. The result of both of these trends is an increased demand for service sites in the form of requests for small antenna installations on streetlights or elsewhere in the streetscape, to rooftop antennas on private buildings to stand alone towers. The most common form in the City is rooftop antennas.
Federal standards have been established for health and safety in relation to safe human exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic energy. This is regulated by Health Canada, through Safety Code 6.
Local governments do not have the authority nor expertise to comment on this standard. In some instances local Health Authorities have chosen to provide a statement on this topic. A copy of the Vancouver Coastal Health Authority Statement prepared for the City of Vancouver has been included below for reference.