The North Shore Neighbourhood House Hub Redevelopment is a multi-partner project on City-owned land that supports the City’s ongoing commitment to increasing rental housing and community-based services.
The Hub Redevelopment will provide, through three project phases, rental housing, a new North Shore Neighbourhood House (NSNH), a respite centre with 18 overnight beds and 25 adult daycare spaces, and a redesigned Derek Inman Park.
In January 2024, City Council directed staff to expedite planning for Phase 2 of The Hub Redevelopment – an 18 storey mass timber building to include a three floor podium for a new North Shore Neighbourhood House, and 179 rental homes including 30% below market rentals.
Funding through the BC Builds Program for the non-profit housing component, to be undertaken by Catalyst Community Development Society, was announced in February 2024. Financing for the construction of the North Shore Neighbourhood House was approved by Council in July 2024.
Project Phases
The Hub is being built in three phases to ensure the continued operation of the North Shore Neighbourhood House throughout construction.
Phase 1 is under construction and features a six-storey building with 89 below-market rental units that Catalyst Community Development Society will operate and a respite centre that The Health and Home Care Society of BC (CareBC) will manage. This phase will be completed in fall 2025.
Phase 2 will include the construction of a new building with 179 non-profit rental units and a new North Shore Neighbourhood House, offering a wide range of essential community services including childcare, youth and seniors’ programs, recreational and wellness programs, and food security programs. Completion is anticipated for 2028.
Phase 3 will deliver a renewed Derek Inman Park to the site. Construction will begin after the existing North Shore Neighbourhood House is demolished in 2028.
Project Timeline
Preliminary Engagement – Spring 2021
- Introduced development concept to the community and gathered feedback to refine design.
Council Consideration – Fall 2021
- City staff presented an Official Community Plan amendment, rezoning, and park boundary adjustment for Council consideration.
- Public Hearing was held.
- Council approved the redevelopment plan.
Phase 0 (early works) – April-August 2022
- To prepare the site for redevelopment, the City undertook utility works and created a new interim outdoor childcare space for North Shore Neighbourhood House to facilitate construction of Phase 1.
Phase 1 (northwest building) – Fall 2023-Fall 2025 (anticipated)
- Construction is anticipated to be complete fall 2025.
Phase 2 (southwest building) – 2025-2028 (anticipated)
- Construction will commence in early 2025.
Phase 3 (Derek Inman Park) – TBD
- Decommissioning of the old NSNH and construction of new Derek Inman Park.
Community Engagement Process
Phase 2 - About North Shore Neighbourhood House
The North Shore Neighbourhood House (NSNH) has been serving the Lower Mainland’s North Shore community since 1939. With a mission to enhance the lives of community members, especially the most vulnerable, NSNH strives to create a safe, healthy, and inclusive environment where everyone matters. As one of the largest not-for-profit organizations on the North Shore, NSNH employs more than 100 people across 18 sites, providing a wide range of programs and services that cater to children, families, youth, and seniors.
The North Shore Neighborhood House main site is situated at 225 East 2nd Street in North Vancouver's Lower Lonsdale neighborhood, and serves the community through several major programming areas that operate on-site. These programming areas encompass a range of services aimed at improving the lives of community members, with a special focus on those who are most vulnerable, and include childcare and children’s programs, community programs and services (programs that service diverse needs of our community including new parents, seniors, teens, food security, service navigators, edible garden project, lunch programs).
The current facility is near end of life. Built in 1967, the facility is faced with accessibility challenges, lack of storage, inadequate support equipment and infrastructure for the current programming.
The new North Shore Neighbourhood House facility will continue to provide an extensive range of community services, including childcare, food programs, wellness, and recreation activities, and youth and seniors’ programs. Planning has already begun for the new facility, and a draft functional program has been developed to address current and future programming needs of the NSNH. A facility of approximately 29,000 square feet is required, and will be contained within a three story podium, topped by fifteen stories of housing.
Key program components:
- 37 space childcare (12 infant/toddler, 25 30 months-5 years)
- Child development program supporting 250 children with developmental delays
- Community Programs (Teen Club for teens with special needs, , Youth Programs, Volunteer Opportunities,Seniors Wellness programming including Stroke Recovery Club andService Navigators)
- North Shore Food Bank (serving 1,100 households/week)
Phase 2 - Construction Updates
The existing playground in Derek Inman Park will be removed to enable Phase 2 construction. There are 4 alternate playgrounds within a 3 block radius of Derek Inman Park: Semisch Park, Waterfront Park, Hamersley Park and Chief Mathias Joe Park.
Tennis Courts
The existing tennis courts in Derek Inman Park are anticipated to remain operational during construction of Phase 2. This will be reviewed throughout the construction period and is subject to site safety considerations.
While we do our best to encourage the retention of trees on each development site, the complexity, multiple uses and technical requirements of the Phase 2 Hub Redevelopment site means we will need to remove several trees from the site.
While it is optimal to preserve mature trees, the project, which will deliver 179 new homes as well as a new NSNH, is a large development that requires the entirety of the lot. The condition and size of the existing trees have been reviewed, and even if the building mass could be designed around the trees, their root systems would not do well with the extent of development activity on the site.
The future redesign of Derek Inman Park presents an opportunity to further contribute to the City’s urban forest plans.
During construction, temporary road closures will be required. Signage will be posted showing alternate routes and flag personnel will be on site to help keep traffic moving. Once construction commences, project updates will be posted to
Street parking adjacent to the Phase 2 construction area along St George’s Ave and East 1st Street is anticipated to be impacted. The existing lane provides parking to support NSNH and park activities. Signage will be posted and project updates will be posted on this page.
Contact Us
North Shore Neighbourhood House Project Team
Phone: 604-982-9675, ext. 8210