Traffic calming preserves and enhances the livability of residential neighbourhoods by discouraging speeding and minimizing conflicts between road users.
The City's Traffic Calming Program provides a comprehensive approach to identifying and resolving neighbourhood traffic and transportation problems through the application of traffic calming measures.
Traffic calming plans are developed on a per neighbourhood basis. For your convenience, the City's Traffic Calming Program is available online for your review.
Speed Bumps in Lanes
Speed bumps (also referred to as "speed arrestors") are installed in lanes throughout the City to reduce speeds. There are different speed bump design standards for residential and commercial lanes. Residential standard speed bumps are available as an option through the Local Area Services Petition or Initiative process. Typically, three speed bumps are installed per lane depending upon the length and configuration of the lane. Signs are installed at lane entrances to indicate the presence of speed bumps.
Commercial standard speed bumps are available for commercial and mixed use areas. They are larger bumps designs to accommodate larger trucks found in commercial areas.
Speed Bump Petition & Installation Process
- Residential standard speed-arrestors are available as an option through the Local Area Services Petition or Initiative process. If sufficient schedules for lane paving including speed-arrestors are signed by at least 50% of the benefiting property owners then the property owners' share of the cost of the speed-arrestors will be included in the local area services special charges.
- Speed-arrestors can also be petitioned for after paving. The petition requirements are the same as for the initial lane paving. Typically three speed-arrestors are installed per lane depending upon the length and configuration of the lane. Signs are installed at lane entrances to indicate the presence of speed-arrestors.
- After paving, a commercial standard speed-arrestor is available for commercial and mixed use areas. At the discretion of the City Engineer, if suitable conditions exist, the larger commercial speed-arrestors can be installed in residential lanes should the local area residents request and pay for the more expensive alternative.
- After paving, the property owner's share of the cost of installing residential standard speed-arrestors per lane (including "T" and "H" lanes) is $600.00 which must be submitted with the successful petition.
- After paving, the property owner's share of the cost of installing commercial standard speed-arrestors per lane (including "T" and "H" lanes) is $1,500.00 which must be submitted with the successful petition.
Speed Humps in 30 km/hr Zones
Speed humps are installed on local roads to discourage speeding by introducing vertical deflection on the road surface. The City has a Speed Hump Policy for 30 km/h zones. This policy enables residents to have speed humps installed on City streets in 30 km/h zones, following a successful petition process.
Speed Hump Petition & Installation Process
- A resident submits a completed Request for Speed Humps and sends it to the Engineering Department by email to eng@cnv.orgor by hand at City Hall.
- Engineering staff confirms that the location meets the necessary criteria.
- Engineering Department prepares a notice to send to the resident, along with a petition form, list of owners and information sheet.
- The petition form must be signed by two-thirds (67%) of property owners on the block where the speed humps are to be installed, and returned to the Engineering Department.
- Following a successful petition and detailed site investigation, speed humps are installed, subject to funding availability.