The Retail Areas Map below shows the potential locations within the Central Lonsdale Area where stores may be considered, after taking into account the sensitive use exclusion buffers.
Prospective applicants should familiarize themselves with these requirements and ensure their proposed location is in full compliance.
Note: This interactive map contains the most up-to-date information on potential recreational cannabis retail store locations.
Potential Sites for Recreational Cannabis Retail Stores

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Does this policy affect regulations pertaining to medical marijuana production?
The Recreational Cannabis Retail Policy does not impact existing City regulations on medical marijuana producers, which will continue to be permitted in the M-2 (industrial) zone in the Zoning Bylaw.
Does this policy regulate home production of recreational cannabis?
No, personal cultivation of recreational cannabis will be regulated and monitored by senior levels of government. Federal regulations allow for personal cultivation of up to four plants. The Province of British Columbia has further established regulations restricting home-grown plants from being visible from public spaces, and restricting home production in dwellings with daycare uses. Please note that landlords and strata councils may further prohibit personal cultivation of recreational cannabis.
How will public consumption of recreational cannabis be dealt with?
The Province of British Columbia has established regulations allowing for public consumption of recreational cannabis where tobacco smoking and vaping are permitted. However, public consumption will be banned in schools, beaches, playgrounds, common apartment areas, skate parks, inside vehicles, health facilities, restaurants, parks and sports fields. Municipal regulations such as the Smoking Regulation Bylaw will be further used to regulate public consumption of recreational cannabis.
Will the City consider more stores and/or other land uses in the future?
In accordance with the Recreational Cannabis Retail Policy, staff will monitor businesses once they are operational and keep Council informed of the status of recreational cannabis retail businesses in the City. Staff will reassess the policy to determine whether amendments are warranted and return to Council with a recommendation for next steps. As part of this reassessment, discussions regarding additional store locations and/or other land uses may occur.