Sister Cities

Sister city relationships have been an important part of government programming for over 40 years. Many municipalities throughout the Lower Mainland and across the country foster and maintain these relationships with communities worldwide.

A sister city relationship is intended to deliver benefit to both parties. This voluntary creation of ties helps to encourage business, trade, educational, and cultural exchange.

Sister City - Chiba City, Japan

On January 1, 1970 the City of North Vancouver and Chiba, Japan become sister cities. Since that time each city has enjoyed a rewarding relationship based on mutual respect and appreciation for one another's city, citizens, culture and traditions. This relationship is unique as it's one of the most established and long-standing ones among our local municipalities. In honour of this relationship, a traditional Japanese garden, Chiba Gardens, was created to commemorate the friendship between the City of North Vancouver and its Japanese sister city, Chiba.


About Chiba

Located just east of Tokyo, the prefecture of Chiba occupies a peninsula jutting into the Pacific. Warmed by the Kuroshio current, the district enjoys a moderate climate, even in the winter, and takes pride in its agricultural and fishing industries. Chiba is famous for its monorail, the longest hanging monorail in the world, as published in the Guinness Book of World Records.

Chiba City is one of the largest urban centers that make up the Greater Tokyo Area and boasts a myriad of economic, cultural, and athletic resources, all contributing to Chiba being a desirable place to live.


Educational Exploration

Year after year, youth throughout the City of North Vancouver and Chiba continue to reap many great rewards of a sister city relationship. Since the inception of the program, thousands of youths have enjoyed the benefits of organized educational and cultural exchanges.

The North Shore School District has taken an active role in promoting these exchanges, demonstrating their commitment and belief that such endeavours provide youth in the City with a unique opportunity: to explore a world outside their community, establish lasting friendships, and gain skills that will help them achieve their professional goals. As the participants in this unique program mature and their responsibilities grow, each will remember the opportunities they were given to explore and connect with another culture.

Student Exchanges

  • Spring 2018 - Handsworth Secondary School students visit Chiba
  • Summer 2017 - North Vancouver Youth Exchange students visit Chiba
  • Spring 2017 - Handsworth Secondary School students visit Chiba
  • Summer 2016 - North Vancouver Youth Exchange students visit Chiba

Council Proclamation

WHEREAS, the City of North Vancouver, B.C., Canada, and the city of Chiba, Japan, will encourage a mutual exchange in the fields of culture, economy, and otherwise in recognition of the contribution to international understanding and friendship, and

WHEREAS, the two cities will develop friendship between the citizens of our two cities and contribute to the furtherance of goodwill between Canada and Japan, thus making a significant contribution to the prosperity and the peace of the world,

NOW, THEREFORE, we do hereby proclaim with the agreement of the city councils that the city of North Vancouver, Canada, and the city of Chiba, Japan officially agree to affiliate as Sister Cities.

Dated in Chiba, Japan this 10th day of February, 1970

Thomas H. Reid
Mayor of North Vancouver
  Saburo Miyauchi
Mayor of Chiba

Chiba Sister City 50th Anniversary Celebration (2019)

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