
We continue to develop innovative programs and services to reduce and manage our waste materials. But the best way to deal with garbage is by not creating it in the first place – making small changes to how you purchase and use items can make a big difference.

Recycle BC logoThe City's curbside recycling is managed by Recycle BC, a provincial stewardship group funded by the businesses that supply packaging and printed paper to BC residents, to shift recycling costs away from taxpayers and onto industry.

Recycling or Garbage?

If you're wondering how to dispose of an item properly, visit Recycle BC's What Can I Recycle page, or use our What Goes Where tool below.

Contacts & Info

Download CityCollect App
Apple store | Google Play

Missed Garbage/Green Can Pickup
Contact City Operations | 604-987-7155

Missed Recycling Pickup / Get Bags or Bins
Contact Emterra Environmental | 778-589-3221 | Email 

Get Green Can decals
Contact City Engineering | 604-983-7333 | Email

Recycling Information
Recycling Council of BC
Website | 604-732-9253 | Email

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