Casano-Loutet Overpass

We're building a new overpass to connect our City.

Construction is beginning on a new pedestrian and cycling overpass over Highway 1, linking the Loutet and Cedar Village neighbourhoods. Once complete, the Casano-Loutet Overpass will provide people walking, rolling and cycling with a safe and accessible pathway between the City’s schools, services and neighbourhoods, over the Upper Levels Highway.

The overpass is designed with safety and comfort in mind, and will offer a range of amenities including a visually appealing design, built-in lighting, accessible approach pathways and rest areas.

This project is jointly funded through the City of North Vancouver, the Government of British Columbia, and TransLink. The overpass is expected to be completed by summer 2026.

rendering of future Casano Loutet bridge

Overpass Design

The Casano-Loutet Overpass is designed with a gradual, natural curving form that extends over the Upper Levels Highway between Loutet Park and the intersection of Casano Drive and Rufus Avenue. The overpass will be accessible to users of all ages and abilities.

Overpass features include:

  • Lighting, safety fencing and hand rails, seating and wayfinding signage to ensure seamless connection with local and regional destinations
  • Native trees and shrubs to restore the area plus improve biodiversity
  • Improvements at intersections where paths connect to local streets to help slow traffic and improve safety.

Community engagement during design development in 2017 played a key role in shaping the final design of the Casano-Loutet overpass. Feedback gained through open houses and workshops influenced features like stair access, lighting, and the approach to restoring vegetation in the area.

Upcoming Info Session

To learn more about the project as construction begins, the community are invited to an in-person information session, where the City project team will be available to answer questions and share further information, including what to expect during the construction phase.

In-person Information Session

  • WHERE: Sutherland Secondary School, small gym
  • WHEN: Thursday, April 3, 2025, 5:30 to 8 p.m.

Connections & Map

The Casano-Loutet Overpass supports the City’s long-term transportation plan, The Mobility Strategy, and will expand the City’s active transportation network. The overpass is a key connection to existing and future active transportation routes including the Green Necklace, Upper Levels Greenway, and Mid-town connector, enabling people to travel by active modes safely across the City. The new overpass will also provide a more direct alternative to Lynn Valley Road for those traveling north and south of the highway, including students attending Sutherland Secondary School, as well as connecting two major centres of employment and commerce – the City of North Vancouver and Lynn Valley Town Centre.

Map of Casano-Loutet Overpass project

< Click for larger image >

Construction Stages

Staged construction will begin in mid March 2025 until project completion in summer 2026:

Early Spring 2025 

  • Tree removal and site clearing
  • Excavation work on north and south sides of Highway 1

Mid Spring to early Winter 2025

  • Steel bridge is fabricated offsite
  • Construction of bridge support piers and other key structural features

Early Winter 2025 to mid Spring 2026

  • Main bridge installation
  • Installation of lighting, fences, benches and pathways 

Spring 2026

  • Tree and shrub planting and final landscaping

Summer 2026

  • Overpass opens

What can I expect?

Temporary traffic changes

The City is committed to ensuring minimal disruption to the community during project construction. The main bridge will be assembled offsite, and installation will occur at night to reduce impact on the community and highway during peak traffic flow periods. Temporary traffic changes to Highway 1, including potential closures for several hours, will be required during bridge installation. Any temporary changes will be coordinated with the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure and will be communicated to the community in advance.

Tree removal

The project requires removal of some trees from two City-owned sites on the north and south sides of Highway 1 where the bridge meets the approach pathways. A majority of these trees are considered to be in moderate to poor health, while others have been identified as presenting a safety risk to workers in the construction zone. As requested by the Squamish Nation, all suitable cedars felled will be provided to the Nation for their use.

The completed project includes a nearly one-to-one replacement of trees and additional planting of 2300 shrubs to restore the area with a more natural, bio-diverse forest composition. In the short term, some residents along Casano Drive may have an open view of the highway, however the completed project will provide an earthworks and vegetated screen once again 

Contact Info

Engineering, Parks & Environment
Phone: 604-982-3940

youth walking along overpass

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