Boulevard Care & Maintenance
Property owners are responsible for the care and maintenance of landscaping features located within the City boulevard adjacent to their properties – as outlined in the Street and Traffic Bylaw. This includes trimming plants, mowing lawns, raking leaves as well as removing snow and ice from sidewalks. Snow and leaf clearing along greenways is the responsibility of the City.
Trees located in the boulevard are solely maintained by the City. To submit a request the City to trim trees, please use CityFix or call 604 983-7333.
Landscape Encroachments
A landscape encroachment is any landscape feature located in the boulevard exceeding these guidelines:
- Vegetation must be kept clear of sidewalks with a maximum height of 0.45m (18 in.) within 2m (6 1/2 ft.) of the sidewalk (or street curb where no sidewalk exists)
- Traffic and information signs must be clear of vegetation for a minimum of 0.6m (2 ft.) in all directions
- Landscape features including fences, raised planting beds, decks, pergolas, artificial turf, lighting and irrigation systems are prohibited within the boulevard without a permit
- Vegetation should be no closer than 1m (3 ft.) to the edge of asphalt in the laneway
The City may alter or remove any landscape feature that does not comply with the landscape guidelines or to undertake work in the boulevard at any time. The City will not replace any landscape feature when work is complete.
Artificial Turf
Many residents are installing artificial turf as an alternative to grass to alleviate time and cost for care, for aesthetic considerations and to mitigate against the Chafer Beetle infestation. Artificial turf may be installed on private property only. Please note the City does not permit the installation of artificial turf on the City’s Right of Way adjacent to your property. The City reserves the right to request that it be removed at the resident's cost.
Sightline Obstructions

A sightline hazard is anything that restricts a person's view of vehicles or pedestrians.
To ensure safe sightlines:
- Keep vegetation clear of walkways a minimum of 0.45m (18")
- Traffic and information signs should be clear of vegetation a minimum of 0.6m (2')
- At intersections, vegetation, especially hedges, should be a maximum of 1m (3') tall within 5m of the property line at the street corner
Construction & Planting Permits
The following boulevard improvements require a Works Permit:
- Retaining walls, stairs and paving stones
- Fencing, gates, pergolas and trellises
- Raised beds or rock placements
- Tree or shrubs more than 1m (3 ft.) in height at maturity
- Artificial turf, lighting and irrigation
Obtaining a Permit
To obtain a Works Permit, you must apply in writing to the City’s Engineering, Parks and Environment Department. The application must include a description of the proposal and a detailed drawing. Work cannot proceed without permission from the City.
Improvements proposed on the City Boulevard may require the homeowner to enter into a legal agreement with the City, which may see the improvements registered on the property’s legal title. All necessary fees will be covered by the applicant.
General information and permits regarding the following topics may be obtained through the Engineering, Parks and Environment Department:
- Permanent fixture placements (street furniture, trees and landscaping)
- Temporary fixture placements (waste disposal bins, storage bins, newspaper bins, outdoor dining, ornamental festive lighting, barricades, street hoarding, construction fencing, and signage)
- Keeping sidewalks and lanes free of refuse and obstructions
For more information on what features require a permit or for more information on obtaining a permit, please contact the City.
Contact Info
Engineering Parks & Environment Department
Tel: 604-983-7333