Living City Awards

2024 Living City Awards

Nominations are now closed. Thank you to everyone who has participated. Recipients will be announced later this spring.

The Living City Awards Program recognizes outstanding leadership in environmental sustainability in our City.

Do you know a local businesses, community group, school group, or individual who is making a difference and deserves recognition? The Living City Awards Program celebrates these community champions and seeks to inspire others to take extraordinary action to protect the natural world.

Leadership in any of the following areas can be recognized:

  • Energy conservation
  • Environmental protection & enhancement
  • Zero waste
  • Sustainable transportation
  • Urban agriculture
  • Water conservation
  • Education and awareness

Nomination & Selection Process

Nomination is easy - simply fill out the Living City Award Nomination form.

For your convenience, the Application Form is a fillable PDF. Here are the steps to digitally complete the form:

  1. Open the PDF.
  2. Save it with another name (go to the File menu and select Save As).
  3. Fill in the form and Save.
  4. Submit your completed form by this year's deadline, either by email to or by mail or in person to:

    Living City Award Program
    Planning – Environmental Sustainability
    City of North Vancouver
    141 West 14th Street
    North Vancouver, BC V7M 1H9 

All completed submissions received by the deadline will be reviewed by the Advisory Planning Commission. The winner(s) will be presented with an award by Council at a regular City Council meeting.


Contact Info

Engineering, Parks & Environment Department
Tel: 604-983-7333

Past Award Recipients

2023 Recipients

Katie Kenny, Urban Agriculture Education and Awareness

Katie, a teacher at École Larson Elementary School, integrates sustainable food systems into the curriculum, fostering awareness of urban agriculture. Her grade 4/5 class manages a composting program, learns about decomposers through vermicomposting, revitalized a garden using community-donated soil, and grows seedlings indoors. Ms. Kenny’s students actively improve recycling and composting practices and advocate for sustainability, embodying leadership that inspires the next generation of environmental stewards.

Carloynne Robertson, Environmental Protection, Enhancement, Education & Awareness

Carolynne, Vice President of the North Shore Streamkeepers (NSSK), has tirelessly advocated for local waterways, especially Wagg Creek. She leads "Work Crew Mondays" to remove invasive plants and fosters community involvement through education and collaboration. For over two years of water quality monitoring, Carolynne facilitated a partnership to restore the stormwater outfall at West 22nd Street, enhancing the riparian zone with native plants for better ecological function. Her initiatives, including a walking education program for local residents, have connected the community to Wagg Creek Park and inspired efforts like a rain garden project at North Shore Alliance Church. 


2022 Recipients

Queen Mary Community Elementary School, Urban Agriculture, and Education and Awareness

Queen Mary Community Elementary School teachers, staff, parents and community partners are integrating sustainable food systems education into their school culture and curriculum. Working collaboratively, the Queen Mary School Community has developed, implemented and shared innovative food systems education through which environmental, health and Indigenous ways of knowing are interwoven to teach local sustainable food systems and environmental stewardship. An example is the Herbalist Club where students engage with native plants and their traditional uses while working with their Indigenous Education team to grow these native plants in their garden space. Through this innovative work, the Queen Mary School Community has demonstrated student and community benefits grow out of integrating outdoors hands-on interactive lessons with traditional place-based knowledge as it cultivates change in the classroom, which in turn has transformative potential for growing integration, resiliency, and interconnectedness for both human and natural environments within our community.

Sam Starr, Sustainable Transportation

Sam combines his passion for sustainable cities and new mobility solutions with his education and experience in logistics, supply chain, and final mile delivery to advance sustainable urban freight and cycle logistics systems here on the North Shore and across North America. He has worked with local and national companies and organizations to facilitate transitioning last-mile deliveries from large fossil-fuel motorized vehicles to sustainable cycling alternatives. Sam was one of the organizers of the inaugural 2021 North Shore Cargo Bike Festival where over 35 participants toured the City on cargo, electric, and traditional bikes exploring how cargo bike use could be expanded on the North Shore and beyond.

Tom Riessner, Zero Waste

Tom has been an advocate for waste reduction and a participant in the circular economy for more than twenty years. Beginning in 2002, he managed the ReStore operations for Greater Vancouver Habitat for Humanity, opening three stores. In 2015, Tom founded Urban Repurpose, a non-for-profit social enterprise, to reduce waste through reuse and upcycling while building consumer demand for upcycled and reused products through education, collaboration and empowerment. Tom works tirelessly to reduce the barriers that exist around reuse, collecting materials from hundreds of homes and business each year and giving away much of it to teachers, students, upcyclers, and the public through “free days” at the store. Through his work, Tom strives to change attitudes and perceptions of what waste materials are and their value as a natural resource that can be put to beneficial use within our local community.

Gabe Sentlinger, Environmental Protection and Enhancement, and Water Conservation

Gabe Sentlinger has worked in the field of hydrology for more than fourteen years. In 2015, he founded Fathom Scientific Ltd., an innovative cooperative technology incubator in the City of North Vancouver. Fathom Scientific brings professionals with diverse skills together to collaborate to develop better tools for environmental monitoring and to increase public engagement on water conservation. Fathom Scientific has made substantial environmental contributions by developing advanced hardware and software products that measure stream flow to help ensure the health of rivers and streams. Their systems are used locally and globally to support environmental compliance and research. Gabe has worked tirelessly over years to carry out his vision of taking tangible steps to improve the physical environment and citizen awareness of our interrelationships with our environment. Through this work Gabe has quietly made a contribution far beyond his company's size.

2021 Recipients

Note: due to the impact of COVID-19, no awards were given in 2020.

David Hancock, David Hancock Foundation

David Hancock established the David Hancock Foundation in 2006 with a vision to promote the appreciation and conservation of wildlife and their habitats through science, education, and stewardship. He is an expert in bald eagle adaptations to the urban environment and is involved with a variety of bald eagle projects including the live streaming of eagles’ nests and consulting on bald eagle mitigation programs. This work includes eagle nest relocations on the North Shore. In 2020, David was involved with a project that successfully relocated an active eagles’ nest located near the Spirit Trail to accommodate a new development. The Province agreed to the removal request from the developer if a mitigation plan was developed for the relocation of the nest. David was instrumental in providing guidance for the project which informed a relocation plan in partnership with the City of North Vancouver, Squamish Nation, Concert Properties, and the North Shore Eagle Network. The nest was relocated nearby and the pair of eagles have since successfully returned and begun rebuilding. 

Paul Berlinguette, North Shore Wetland Partners Society

This nomination is in memory of Paul Berlinguette who ran the North Shore Wetlands Partner Society with his partner Fiona Wright. It is with a heavy heart that we note that, since the initial nomination, he has passed away. Paul established the North Shore Wetlands Partner Society in 2004, an organization self-described as, “a small group of dedicated volunteers networking with as many stakeholders as they can to educate about, protect, enhance and restore north shore wetland ecosystems, from estuaries to mountain tarns.” The Society monitors a number of wetlands on the North Shore, runs technical workshops, brings together environmental organizations to collaborate, and spends countless hours organizing volunteers and carrying out restoration work. Recently, they have been involved in the MacKay Creek restoration project to revitalize the urban waterway. Paul was a relentless advocate for nature and was involved with many aspects of environmental protection and enhancement work through his leadership of the North Shore Wetland Partners Society. His passion will be remembered by many and his impact on our community will not be forgotten.

Annette Kim, Bean Around the World (5th & Chesterfield)

The Bean Around the World coffee shop is located on Chesterfield Avenue at 5th Street in the City. In 2020, they began working towards their goal of becoming the first zero waste coffee shop in North Vancouver. They successfully implemented a discount program for customers who bring their own mugs to decrease the number of disposable cups distributed, which they were able to safely implement during the pandemic. They have also undertaken a number of actions to divert waste in their store such as providing zero waste stations at their front and back of house, working with a local company specializing in recycling coffee shop waste, and proactively seeking out coaching to further reduce their waste through the City’s Zero Waste Coach program and Ocean Ambassadors Canada. By implementing these initiatives, they now produce less than a quarter of an 89 cm x 127 cm garbage bag per day which is a 95% reduction in the waste they produced prior to these programs. They also communicate about their zero waste initiatives through their social media platforms in an effort to educate customers and the local community. 

2019 and Earlier Recipients

Christine Miller and Luci Cadman

In their respective roles as Executive Director and Education Coordinator with the North Shore Black Bear Society, Christine Miller and Luci Cadman work tirelessly to educate residents about attractant management to reduce human-bear conflict in the North Shore. Under Christine and Luci’s leadership, the North Shore Black Bear Society canvasses high conflict areas and responds to inquiries from residents through a hotline and email, increasing awareness of bears and bear proofing in the community. Christine and Luci provide bear and wildlife education to residents at City events, to children and youth through school presentations and to newcomers to Canada through visits to MOSAIC. The outstanding work of Christine and Luci through the North Shore Black Bear Society helps residents and visitors safely enjoy both the urban and natural assets of the North Shore.

David Roberts, Kathy Fung and Matt Dowds

Owners of a 1912 craftsman bungalow in Grand Boulevard, David Roberts and Kathy Fung pursued significant energy efficiency and green building upgrades to their home while preserving its heritage history. North Vancouver builder Matt Dowds, of Dowds Homes, used advanced building techniques and systems to realize the owners’ vision. The house was the first home in BC to achieve Passive House Plus certification with negligible net energy use. The home uses no fossil fuel energy sources and generates renewable energy through photoelectric panels. Green building techniques were also used to repurpose old growth fir from the heritage structure and integrate water conservation features in the garden and driveway design, reducing its environmental impact. The initiative of Dave and Kathy and the expert work of Matt, to create this high performance and low impact home while preserving heritage elements, deserves to be recognized.

North Shore Community Garden Society

Founded in 2009, the North Shore Community Garden Society oversees the use and management of six community gardens in the City and District of North Vancouver. The Society fosters a sense of community at each of the gardens, where members contribute time and effort towards garden maintenance and learn together about sustainable gardening. The Society encourages members to grow organic produce and share the abundance with neighbours and the food bank. The gardens are showpieces in the community as greenspace for residents to enjoy and learn about urban agriculture. The Society’s garden coordinators are gentle, informative, and effective guides who empower members to grow their own food in the City.

Sustainable Produce Urban Delivery

Sustainable Produce Urban Delivery (SPUD) goes above and beyond to reduce and re-use packaging in their grocery orders to residents across BC, including many in the City of North Vancouver. Groceries are delivered in reusable bins with reusable freezer jackets and cold packs, and minimal single-use packaging. SPUD recently piloted a reusable takeout container program where plastic containers were given to members to use for takeout food orders, and returned to SPUD with the reusable grocery bins to be washed before being given back to members to use again. The plastic containers used in the program were made from 50% recycled plastic as a lower-impact alternative to virgin plastic containers. Due its success, SPUD is expanding the program to all members, and hopes to inspire other food delivery services to transition to a circular economy model for packaging. SPUD strives to be a leader in sustainability, and they demonstrate their environmental values through innovative programs that lead by example in the community.

Gerry MacPherson

Ten years ago at the age of 88, Gerry MacPherson began clearing a half acre “no man’s land” in his neighbourhood located on the south side of Loutet Park. Gerry has been instrumental in the transformation of the garden, previously covered with industrial debris, tree stumps, weeds and invasive plants, into a social hub that is increasingly frequented by seniors, students and residents alike. Over the years, the garden has evolved into a vibrant public space and received “wildlife friendly” certification from the Canadian Wildlife Federation. At 98, Gerry’s kindness, dedication and vision still help Gerry’s Garden remain a valuable treasure to the City.

Carol Sartor and Kulvir Mann

Carol and Kulvir are School Travel Planning Facilitators with the Hub for Active School Travel (HASTeBC).  Carol and Kulvir encourage students and their families to take alternative transportation, provide education about school zone safety and promote the benefits of active travel. Carol and Kulvir regularly participate in City and community group meetings, giving presentations and using social media to promote walk to school messages to the wider community. Their passion for encouraging students and families to engage in active travel is unparalleled and their advocacy has been a key part of the success of the Safe and Active School Travel Program at Holy Trinity Elementary.  

Nancy Dale’s Grade 4/5 Class at Boundary Elementary School

Through participation in the “Cool Routes to School” program, students of Nancy Dale’s Grade 4/5 class have focused on how they could reduce car-centric behaviour within their school community. Using education, encouragement, enforcement and engineering as guiding principles, this creative group of students created videos on pedestrian safety, participated in distracted driving campaigns and provided feedback on improvements to intersections along 29th street. The class is also coordinating an active transportation campaign in which the school works as a team to accumulate enough kilometers actively travelled to equal the length of British Columbia, titled “Walk BC”.

Pam Pike

Pam is the President of the Hamilton Heights Neighbourhood Association. She is an environmental champion who seeks to inspire others to take action to protect the environment. Pam is active in the community organizing clean up events, promoting energy conservation, educating residents about coexisting with wildlife and assisting with the development of gardens located on the corners of Hamilton and Cumberland Ave. The community would like to recognize Pam for her passion and continued work to improve the environment within the City of North Vancouver.

Queen Mary School Green Team – Sustainable Transportation

Through their participation in the City’s School Travel Planning program, this creative group of students, teachers and parents created a “Walk/ Wheel on Wednesday” Program where students pledged to commute to school every Wednesday using active transportation. The students energetically promoted the events with announcements and posters. Every Wednesday, Green Team members greeted students with treats and prizes upon arrival to school. The Green Team has been noted in the North Shore News for their Walk/ Wheel on Wednesday Program, as well as for their “You are Awesome” campaign, where students give a surprise award to those commuting in a healthy active way.

Communication Department, North Vancouver School District – Sustainable Transportation

Deneka Michaud and her communications team at the North Vancouver School District have found new and creative ways to engage parents about the lifestyle benefits of active transportation through the use of social media, videos, website material, and infographics. They've made parents feel they're a part of the school community, and have done an amazing job in promoting active and safe routes to school. Through showcasing activities within the schools in a visual way and promoting walking and biking to school for the benefit of physical, social and mental health, they have increased awareness of active transportation in the parent population.

Rob Matthies, Education and Awareness

Rob has been featured in Vancouver and Canadian Business Magazines for his Revived Battery Electric Pickup Truck. His white 1982 GMC pickup is powered by thirty batteries of different sizes and voltages that were all previously dead or discarded. Rob is also the founder of the Solar Powered Road Show, where he provides demonstrations and presentations at many events around Metro Vancouver. The Solar Powered Roadshow demonstrates solar power through fun activities such as solar robot races and workshops on solar oven making.

Odette Monroy – Environmental Enhancement and Protection

Odette runs the Just for Barks Doggy Daycare at 140 – 400 Brooksbank Avenue. When out walking the dogs, Odette takes the initiative to clean up dog waste on the trails of local parks. She brings extra biodegradable bags with her to pick up the waste, not just from her canine customers, but from other dogs. Odette deals with dog waste sustainably, and follows best practices to flush the waste at her doggy daycare to minimize pet waste going to the landfill. She is thoughtful and friendly, and very conscious of the potential environmental impact of improperly dealt with dog waste. Odette’s proactive efforts have had a positive impact on the sensitive fish bearing creek and ecological habitat of Lynnmouth Park.

Ridgeway Elementary’s Healthy Safe School Committee – Sustainable Transportation and Awareness

Ridgeway students from Grades 5 to 7 created a lunch time Health and Safety Committee to address safety issues regarding school travel, where over 60% of students are being driven to and from school. This group of creative students took a multi-tiered approach to provide education for students including: 1) a poster campaign promoting the benefits of active school travel; 2) school challenges including a “Golden Wheelie” competition to achieve the highest active transportation participation; and 3) a short film to raise awareness for parents about the importance of sharing the road and making their school zone safe for all modes of transportation. The students took on this challenge with enthusiasm and have a strong message: “Change needs to happen and it starts with me.”

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