Film Permits & Fees

We welcome and encourage filming in the City of North Vancouver, and have been featured in many productions. This page has everything you need to schedule your production in the City.

Film Permit Application

To book a film production location in the City of North Vancouver you need to complete a film permit application.

Please submit one application for each filming location, at least 5 working days prior to filming.

  1. Fill in the application form (email us if you need a Word version).

  2. Submit completed film permit application form to

The next steps after your permit(s) has been approved are listed in the Checklist for Location Departments section.

Checklist for Location Departments

Our checklist has information, links, and timelines which is key to keeping your production on time and on budget.

The first step is to review our Filming Procedures (PDF), and submit your Film Permit Application (PDF, one form per location).

After your permit has been APPROVED we'll need the following:

  • Certificate of Insurance for $5 million, naming The City of North Vancouver as additional insured.

  • Security Deposit of $5,000 (cheque payable to City of North Vancouver). We can draw on this amount for your fees if that is your production's preference.

  • Electrical Permit Application (if using an electrical generator on site) and an Electrical Contractor Authorization Declaration (one per location). Cost for one year is $750, and a one-time use permit is $124.

  • Parking requirements - Parking requirements - if you need on-street parking, send your requirements ASAP using the attached Film Parking Street Use form.  NOTE: We need a minimum of six (6) business days to print and sign on street parking for filming.   

  • Street closures - if you're planning on closing a street or intermittent short duration road closures, complete a Filming Street Closure FormWe require a minimum of five (5) business days for approval (for more complex closures our traffic department requests a minimum of seven (7) business days).

  • Letter to residents and/or businesses for our approval. Letters must be delivered BEFORE we put out the 'no parking' signage.

The following information may also be helpful for your production.


The North Vancouver RCMP ideally needs five working days notice to fill filming requests. To book RCMP personnel, please email and copy for billing purposes. Include the following information:

  • Production name
  • Production office address 
  • Production office phone number
  • Name of TV show
  • Day, date and time officer(s) needed
  • Requirements (e.g. Intermittent Traffic control, exposed weapons, scenes with gunfire, etc.)
  • Number of RCMP required 
  • Number of hours required
  • Location(s)
  • Name and contact number of ALM on site


Normal working hours are 7am to 11pm Monday to Saturday, and 8am to 10pm on Sunday (and Statutory Holidays).

Fire Hydrants

The City doesn't permit temporary fire hydrant use for filming, except at The Shipyards, where the water supply can be used for wet downs.

Special Effects

If your production involves special effects, you'll need to complete a Special Effects Permit Application for review by the North Vancouver City Fire Department. The application must be received at least seven calendar days prior to the the date scheduled for the special effect.

GST Number

The City's GST registration number is 122083959.

Business Licence

If your production office is based in the City of North Vancouver, you need a business licence (check the City boundaries in the map on this page). If your production office is based elsewhere, no business licence is required. 

Contact Us

Questions? Contact the Film Office at or 604-982-3910.

Filming Procedures

Our Filming Procedures apply to all location filming which takes place in the City of North Vancouver, except for current affairs and newscasts. Note that we reserve the right to refuse to issue a permit to a production company or individual who has failed in the past to adhere to our Filming Procedures.

   >> Download Filming Procedures (PDF)

Map of City Boundaries

The film-friendly City of North Vancouver is shown in the map below.

Note that our locations include the North Vancouver Cemetery which is located towards the east.

CNV CityMap

>> View map in new window

Film Fees

The Schedule of Fees for filming is shown below, per the Fees and Charges Bylaw 6383, Schedule C.

Goods & Services Tax (GST) applies to all fees, except as noted. Please note that listed fees are subject to change without notice.

Film Permit Fee $235.50
    Material changes to Issued Permit $76.80
    Cancellation of Issued Permit Permit fee plus all non-recoverable costs to the City
Each Additional Location $235.50
Commercial Media (i.e. still photography, reality TV, corporate video) $230.40
Student Film Permit Free
Damage Deposit $5,000 (dependent on location/project)
Youth in Film (one time annual fee, non mandatory) GST EXEMPT $256

Electrical permit (GST Exempt)
Single Location permit (1 inspection/location) $127
Annual Permit $768

Parking , Street Use & Tow Shots
Street Encroachment Fee $358.40 per day per 100m block face
Missing No Parking Sign, replacement cost $15.36 per sign
Signage Amendment $6.14 per sign
Tow shots $153.60
Street Filming User Fee (per block) $179.20
Street Meter Charges Standard vehicle space per day billed per current daily rate of 225 E 15th Street.
Parking Stall Charges Stall per day billed per current daily rate of 112 E 1st Street Surface Lot + TransLink tax
Parking Lots/Gravel Fields
$512 per day
Parking Infraction to $153.60 per day per occurrence

RCMP (Minimum 4 Hour Callout and 48 Hour Cancellation Notice)
NOTE: Hourly rate includes mileage and meal times. Hourly start time will commence once RCMP Officer and/or Sergeant reaches RCMP detachment
RCMP Officer (Cst/Cpl) $166.90 per hour
RCMP Sergeant $198.70 per hour
Clerical Staff Time (overtime) $81.90 per hour (no 4 hour minimum)

Fire Department (Minimum 4 Hour Callout and 48 Hour Cancellation Notice)
NOTE: Will include charged time for officers to change into uniform, secure vehicles, depart from, and arrive back at the Fire Hall.
Firefighters & Vehicles Charged as per "Fire Bylaw, 2021, No.8852"

Special Effects Application (Pyrotechnics)
Special Effects Permit (SPFX) $153.60 (minimum)
Special Effects On-Site Inspection by Fire Officer) $102.40 per hour

City Buildings and Plazas: Daily Rate
Fire Hall, Operations Yard, 14th Street Plaza & other similar sites $614.40 per day
City Hall (per named component) $614.40 per day
City Library $2,560 per day
Parks $614.40 per day
Lunch Tents in Parks $256 per day
Prep and Wrap Days - 50% daily amount
Parks Restoration Fee (not mandatory) - GST EXEMPT  $256 (suggested)

City Shipyards Public Realm: Daily Rate
Each named component (e.g. Spirit Trail, Wallace Mews, Shipbuilder Square, etc.) $1,024 per day
Burrard Dry Dock
$2,560 per day
The Shipyards Commons $4,608 per day
The Commons Ice Rink (in addition to the Commons fee) $1,536 per day
Prep and Wrap Days  50% daily amount (min)
Electrical Connection $153.60 per day per connection
Parking at Wallace Mews $358.40 per half block face per day
Shipbuilders' Square/Cate Deck Lunch Tents

$256 daily per tent no larger than 20’x40’

$512 daily per tent larger than 20x40

$1,024 daily for tents that encompass the entire space

Cemetery: Daily Rate
Cemetery (Heritage Section) $3,072 per day
Prep and Wrap Days - 50% daily amount
Cemetery Caretaker (out of hours only) $81.90 per day
Grave Digging (includes digger, truck & two staff) $1,802
Parks Restoration Fee (not mandatory) GST EXEMPT  

Miscellaneous Fees
Site Meeting / site liaison fee, for City of North Vancouver staff at cost
Film Liaison on site
$81.90 per hour

Fee Reduction

The City’s Film Office staff have the authority to consider a request for a one-time 50% fee reduction of the City’s location fees, subject to the following criteria:

  1. Productions should be either non-theatrical (such as shorts, student foundation films, documentaries), or
  2. Theatrical productions that are under $500,000 total gross budget (staff will request they provide their budget top sheet to verify), 
  3. Filming will not take place over more than two days in the City location.
  4. The reduction does not apply to The Shipyards public realm.

Any questions? Please don't hesitate to contact our Film Office ( for more information.

Finished filming? Please complete the Film Wrap Sheet within two weeks after your film production wraps.

Contact Info

Clare Husk
Film & Community Events Coordinator
Tel: 604-982-3910
Cell: 604-679-2525

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