Our streets and roads are not only for vehicular travel and goods movement; streets are for people as well. The City would like to make our streets, sidewalks, and surrounding buildings well designed and inclusive for all, creating a pleasant, urban experience.
Street trees, site furniture (e.g. benches, trash receptacles), street and pedestrian level lighting, and plantings are combined to create what is called the 'streetscape' or the landscape of a street in an urban area. Distinctive sidewalks and streets create an identity for certain areas. The City has developed several streetscape standards to assist designers, developers, and City staff to make our streets more distinctive and identifiable along several specific areas.
The City has created streetscape design guidelines for the following areas:
- Esplanade - from Forbes to St George's Avenue
- Lonsdale Avenue - from the Foot of Lonsdale to the Upper Levels Highway, and extending along the 100 blocks East and West of Lonsdale
- Marine Drive - from Mackay Road to intersection with 2nd and 3rd Streets

Streetscape design guidelines provide guidance to create attractive, cohesive and unique designs that create a distinct identify and reinforce the character of a particular neighbourhood. The guidelines provide direction for engineers, architects, landscape architects, urban designers and developers on what the City would like to see constructed in each area.
Development applications are evaluated based on their unique merits as well as applicable design guidelines and bylaw requirements. The development team is responsible to apply the streetscape guidelines to a project as early as possible in the design process.
The streetscape guidelines should be applied to the greatest extent possible while adhering to the primary goal of creating a distinct character for the area. Amendments to area guidelines may be made to suit unique opportunities and constraints at each site at the discretion of the City.
The City makes every effort to create universally accessible streets. For more information about universal access, please see the North Shore Advisory Committee on Disability Issues.
Contact Info
Engineering Department
Tel: 604-983-7333
Email: eng@cnv.org