
Service Notice

CityFix will be unavailable March 19, 2025 between the hours of 7 p.m. - 12 a.m. due to service maintenance. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Snap it, Send it!

The CityFix App makes it easier for residents to report issues they find within the community, with GPS technology to assist accurate reporting. It's available for both iPhone and Android devices.


Report Issues in the City

CityFix can be used to report any of the following service or repair issues:

  • Abandoned Vehicles
  • City parks (litter, playground, trails, washroom servicing)
  • City trees
  • Flooding
  • Graffiti removal
  • Illegal dumping
  • Illegally Parked Vehicles
  • Litter removal
  • Missed garbage pick up
  • Missed Green Can pick up
  • Sewer problem
  • Sidewalk repair
  • Street light
  • Street repair
  • Street sign
  • Street sweeping request
  • Vandalism (not graffiti)
  • Water leak

After you've downloaded the free App, tap the Requests button and Create a Request. Select the type of request, add a photo and any other details, and press SUBMIT.

The photo, GPS location, and other information you send will ensure that the right crew and equipment are sent out ensuring our first class city remains beautiful and safe for all.

Note: CityFix is a non-emergency reporting system. For after hours (i.e. Monday-Friday after 5pm, weekends, holidays) emergencies call 604-988-2212. CityFix should not be used to report bylaw infractions. While the new parking complaints features are bylaw matters, please continue to report other bylaw infractions to Bylaw Services at 604-982-8302 or


With the CityFix App you'll be able to track the progress of the issue you reported, see when it's assigned, and its status - all with the touch of a button. Tap the Requests button and tap My Requests to view all issues you've submitted.

Still want to report the old way? No problem. You can report issues by telephone or with the online Service Request Form. While these reporting systems will remain, CityFix provides efficiency and accuracy by allowing Smartphone GPS and camera technology to do the legwork. 

Get the App

To start using this handy reporting tool, download CityFix for iPhone or Android.


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