A Building Permit is required for most construction, renovation, and demolition projects. This ensures that projects meet safety standards outlined in the BC Building Code and other technical regulations.
A Development Permit is required to guide the design, form, character, and environmental impact of a project. Several areas within the City are designated Development Permit Areas. In these areas, a Development Permit must be obtained before proceeding with new development.
Issued to a licenced electrical contractor or homeowner for any electrical work undertaken. A permit can only be issued to the home owner of a single-family dwelling who is living on their own property.
Issued to a gas contractor or home owner for all gas installations. A permit can only be issued to the homeowner of a single-family dwelling who is living on their own property.
Issued to a plumbing contractor or homeowner for plumbing work in new houses, additions, commercial, public and industrial buildings. A permit can only be issued to the home owner of a single-family dwelling who is living on their own property.
All exterior signs require a sign permit.
Issued to a sprinkler contractor or homeowner for the installation of sprinkler heads. A permit can only be issued to the homeowner of a single-family dwelling who is living on their own property.
Landscaping and maintaining boulevards, oversized vehicles and use of our streets may require a Street Use Permit.