1600 Eastern Park

What's Happening Now

Construction of the new park is anticipated to begin in early 2025.

We’re building a new neighbourhood park at 1600 Eastern Avenue in Central Lonsdale. The goal is to create a park that supports the needs of the neighbourhood and provides new, creative ways to have fun and enjoy the community green space.

The new park will feature: 

  • A circular canopy with porch swings
  • A fenced dog off-leash area 
  • Small playful features including an in-ground trampoline and a water feature 
  • An open central lawn area for flexible use
  • Shade trees and dense plantings framing the park 

There is currently a temporary park space in the area that will be in place until the beginning of construction of the permanent park. This temporary area includes a community garden that is managed by the North Shore Community Garden Society, a dog off-leash area, and community gathering spaces.

About the Project

In 2018, the City acquired a 0.2-hectare parcel of land that became available due to a rezoning.

A public engagement process took place in the fall of 2020 to better understand the community’s vision for the new park and to gather input on the park’s concept design. This feedback helped inform the final park design. Learn more about the process on the 1600 Eastern Park engagement page.


1600 Eastern Concept Design

click to download a larger image

What to Expect

Construction of the new park is anticipated to begin in early 2025.

Contact Us

Engineering, Parks & Environment
Phone: 604-983-7333
Email: eng@cnv.org

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