Lonsdale Great Street Project

Thank you to everyone who took the time to share your feedback with us on the Lonsdale Great Street Project. The first phase of community engagement has ended, and we’re reviewing all the input received from interested parties and the community. We look forward to sharing a summary of community feedback in the coming months. 

Please visit letstalk.cnv.org/LonsdaleGreatStreet to learn more.

Reimagining Central Lonsdale

We are developing a plan to transform Central Lonsdale into our city’s next great street – a street with a diverse and vibrant mix of attractions, events, and businesses, where everyone can live, work, visit and play. 

The Lonsdale Great Street Project will guide us on how to best support the current need and future growth of Central Lonsdale. The goal is to improve everything you see and experience in public spaces along Lonsdale Avenue, so that every person, business, and community group can thrive.

Project Timeline

The project is divided into four main phases:  

Phase 1 – Listen & Learn | Fall 2024 – Winter 2025

Study the area and provide opportunities for the community to share their vision for the future of Central Lonsdale.  


Phase 2 – Develop Proposed Plan Directions | Spring 2025

Develop preliminary directions for the future of Central Lonsdale and share what has been learned from the public during Phase 1 engagement.  


Phase 3 – Share the Vision | Spring – Summer 2025

Share and test the project’s preliminary directions with the community.  


Phase 4 – Finalize the Plan | Summer – Fall 2025

Refine the plan and present to Council for endorsement.

About Central Lonsdale

Central Lonsdale is a commercial main street at the centre of the City of North Vancouver. It is surrounded by a high-density residential neighbourhood, and also functions as a transportation corridor. Central Lonsdale Avenue has many positive attributes that make it a great street already, such as its diverse local businesses, walkable pedestrian scale, and striking views of the North Shore Mountains. 

The project focus areas includes the Upper Levels Highway to the north, Victoria Park to the south, St. Georges Avenue to the east, and Chesterfield Avenue to the west. 

Lonsdale Great Street Map


Contact Us

Lonsdale Great Street Team
Phone: 604-983-7717
Email: lonsdalegreatstreet@cnv.org

rainbow crosswalk

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