City’s New Community Wellbeing Strategy Aims to Build a Healthy City For All

June 27, 2024

Council endorsed the City of North Vancouver’s new Community Wellbeing Strategy on June 24, 2024. This long-term strategy will guide the City in making decisions that improve collective and individual wellbeing, today and over the coming decade. 

Why is this important? The Community Wellbeing Strategy offers a comprehensive approach to the City’s role in improving residents’ health, sense of belonging, and quality of life from poverty reduction and childcare to housing and neighbourhood connections. Over three years, staff engaged hundreds of residents and dozens of community partners and organizations who deliver critical services in the development of this strategy, ensuring their knowledge and experience would guide this work. 

“We all want to feel like we belong in our community,” said City of North Vancouver Mayor Linda Buchanan. “While the challenges of the last few years have brought our community together in many ways, they have also made clear the range of complex and evolving needs we must address to deepen our resilience and build healthier, happier communities. The Community Wellbeing Strategy identifies the enabling conditions to bring this vision to life. With this new road map in hand, we can tackle large issues such as loneliness, affordability, and inclusion while empowering people and interest holders across the City in taking similar action.” 

Specifically, the strategy sets out six pathways, each with clear directions and tactics:

  • Complete Communities: build complete, connected, socially active communities where daily needs are met within a short walk or roll of every home;
  • Housing for All: expand the supply and improve the quality, diversity and affordability of housing in the City;
  • A City for All Ages: Create a City that contributes to wellbeing for all ages and phases of life;
  • Accessibility, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion: Create an inclusive City, where we celebrate diversity, and we commit to advancing equity and accessibility for all;
  • Poverty Reduction & Inclusive Economy: Include all residents in local economic opportunities and work together to break the cycle of poverty; and
  • Partnerships, Advocacy & Financial Supports: Build equitable and supportive partnerships, align City resources and funding, and advocate for the community’s needs.

“Wellbeing is multifaceted and can look unique to each individual,” added Mayor Buchanan. “By implementing targeted programs, fostering community partnerships, and championing investments in critical resources, we can make progress on each strategic pathway and achieve Council’s vision of making us the ‘healthiest small city in the world.’ It will take all of us, together, recommitting to being a caring community to get this work done.”

The full Community Wellbeing Strategy is available on the City’s website at

Read more about the engagement process here:

Part of the City’s Policy Landscape

The Community Wellbeing Strategy is the latest in a series of City policies to guide our next decade of planning, decision-making, and action in key areas, including Mobility, Economic, Public Safety, Parks & Public Space, Infrastructure and Phasing, and Climate and Environment Strategies. These are in support of the Official Community Plan, Council’s Strategic Plan, Corporate Business Plan, and the City’s Financial Plan.

More Information

Learn more about the Community Wellbeing Strategy at For questions, please contact the Planning and Development Department at or call 604-985-7357.

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