Standards & Requirements for Developers

Benefits of District Energy

Since 2003, the award winning Lonsdale Energy Corporation has been providing customers with dependable, clean, competitively priced energy. By heating our community efficiently, we significantly reduce the demand for energy and support global and local climate action efforts.

This innovative district energy system produces hot water at a series of mini-plants within the City of North Vancouver and distributes the heat energy through underground pipes to the buildings connected to the system. The mini-plant system provides enhanced reliability and fuel flexibility to all the buildings connected to the network.

Before Development

In accordance with Bylaw 7575, as amended periodically, any new building larger than 1,000 square meters is required to connect to the district heating system for heating purposes unless it is determined by the City's Director of Finance that the cost to the City for providing the service would be excessive. In cases where projects are required to connect to the district heating system, please contact LEC for a copy of the detailed design guidelines.

Required Equipment

Buildings served by the system will require an energy meter station and heat exchanger. The station and exchanger are typically located in a space provided in the building's mechanical room. A dedicated 115V power supply for LEC is required in this space. The approximate size that is required for an energy meter station, including the heat exchanger, is 3.00 m x 2.50 m x 2.75 m high, subject to confirmation of the nominated capacity. The space should be either a separate locked room or a locked fenced area in the mechanical room with access to LEC personnel for maintenance.

Depending on location and size of the building, some buildings may be required to host a mini plant location. Such a requirement is determined during the development phase of a project. Please contact LEC directly to clarify your project.

Heat exchangers, energy meter stations, and piping from the energy distribution to the heat exchangers and meters are provided by LEC. All other equipment in the building is provided by the building owner. A charge may apply in cases where a mechanical room is remotely located.

Performance Requirements

The key performance requirements for buildings connected to LEC include the following:

  • Hydronic or hot water heat must be used in all building heating systems
  • All building heating systems including space heating and domestic hot water systems must be heated by the LEC system
  • Domestic hot water is to be heated to a minimum of 60 degrees Celsius (140 degrees Fahrenheit) under all load conditions, unless determined and noted otherwise by the Owner’s Engineer and discussed with LEC
  • The system must be designed with a high temperature differential to ensure that all building heating and domestic hot water needs can be met and that high efficiencies are realized
  • There is to be a maximum return water temperature of 43 degrees Celsius (110 degrees Fahrenheit) year-round under all non-zero load conditions on the building side of the system
    Note: The LEC system is designed to provide up to 77 degrees Celsius (170 degrees Fahrenheit), depending on ambient air conditions, to the customer side of the heat exchanger for heating purposes in the building
  • In-building mechanical control systems must be configured to allow the exchange of information between the LEC and in-building system

Cost Charges to Developers

Developers should review the section entitled "How Rates Are Calculated" to estimate future LEC service costs for their buildings. Once service is available at the heat exchanger, the capacity and meter charges become payable from the date of service request stipulated in the service agreement even if heat is not consumed due to construction delays.

An application fee calculated at an amount equal to 0.15% of the construction value of the work associated with the building permit is due and payable at the time of building permit issuance. Developers are also charged a one-time connection fee of $82.83 per kilowatt of capacity as nominated by a Professional Engineer appointed by the Developer. A 50% reduction in the connection fee rate is available for the floor area of an existing building which is applying for connection that received an occupancy permit at least five years prior to the date of connection.

A charge may apply in cases where a mechanical room is remotely located to recover the cost of extra piping from the property limit to the heat exchanger room. Developers should also consider that a security deposit (cash or letter of credit) is required to ensure adequate in-building heating system performance.

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