City Council unveils 2022-2026 Strategic Plan: "The Healthiest Small City in the World."

November 1, 2023

Mayor Linda Buchanan and City Council today published their 2022-2026 Strategic Plan, an extension of Council’s goal of becoming "The Healthiest Small City in the World.” Building upon the success of their previous 2018-2022 plan, this comprehensive new strategy encompasses the shared vision of a vibrant, resilient, and prosperous community while prioritizing the well-being of residents.

“We have made great progress in advancing our city as a healthy place for all people,” said Mayor Linda Buchanan. “But there is more to do to achieve this goal. Council has updated our Strategic Plan so that we have a clear path forward as we turn today’s challenges into opportunities. Over the next four years we are committed to engaging with the community, leaning on the expertise of staff, and building an even better city for generations to come.”  

The following key priorities, focused on housing, environmental stewardship, transportation, economic growth, and vibrant public spaces will guide the City's efforts over the next four years.

  1. A City for People
  2. A Resilient City
  3. A Connected City
  4. A Prosperous City
  5. A Vibrant City

For each priority, Council has identified key actions and whether the City will provide, partner, facilitate, or advocate for meeting these goals. Highlights include:

  1. Adopting a Community Well-being Strategy intent on ensuring equitable access to spaces and services for connection, recreation, and community services.
  2. Continuing to focus on housing affordability and availability. 
  3. Adopting the Climate and Environment Strategy to take a proactive approach to fighting the climate crisis, including the goal of net-zero emissions by 2050.
  4. Accelerating the expansion of the urban tree canopy, connecting urban forests and restoring natural areas. 
  5. Expanding rapid transit to improve public transportation, reduce congestion, and offering sustainable mobility options for residents.
  6. Adopting the Economic Investment Strategy to make the City a desirable destination for economic opportunities.
  7. Establishing of a memorial for victims of Flight PS752 to honour and commemorate the lives lost, fostering a sense of community and empathy.

“Our strategic priorities determine where we are going as a city,” added Mayor Buchanan. “In our new plan you will see how we intend to get there. As we look to these focus areas, and turn vision into action, we are guided by strong fiscal responsibility, equity, Reconciliation, and good governance. I have never been more optimistic about what we can accomplish together. I invite all residents to join us in this work.” 
For more information and to read the full plan, visit