Pollinator Meadows Creating a Beautiful Buzz

July 03, 2024   

Creating pollinator meadows in our urban parks and public spaces is an alternative landscaping approach that the City of North Vancouver is taking to increase resiliency and biodiversity in the community.

Pollinator meadows are designated areas of the community that have been seeded with a diversity of native wildflowers and grasses to provide food, shelter, and nesting habitat for pollinators including bees, butterflies, and birds. In addition to improving biodiversity, pollinator meadows help retain moisture in the soil which can help trees during periods of drought, reduce ground temperature helping to keep our community cool, and create natural and diverse landscapes for people to interact with and enjoy.

Guided by data and successful case studies of pollinator meadows in other communities, the City launched a pollinator meadow initiative in 2023 with pilot sites in Grand Boulevard Park and the boulevard along East Keith Road. In 2024, City Council directed staff to expand the initiative to include a third location in Mahon Park. These areas have been carefully selected to balance conservation and recreation.

Once seeded, the pollinator meadows are closely monitored and regularly maintained. In Grand Boulevard Park, a pathway has been created throughout the meadow to encourage people to explore and interact with the area. Signs have also been posted at each location to inform the public about the initiative and to invite them to learn more about creating a pollinator-friendly habitat at home.   

Pollinator gardens

The pollinator meadow program complements the City’s pollinator gardens, also located in Grand Boulevard Park. In 2022, the City partnered with the David Suzuki Butterflyway Project and members of the Lynn Valley Garden Club to build a new pollinator garden in the park and added a second garden in 2023. These gardens are located on the west side of Grand Boulevard Park between East 15th and 18th Streets. In spring 2024, the City installed bee houses in the gardens to create habitat for mason bees. 

About pollination

Pollination is an essential part of plant reproduction. Pollinators like bees, butterflies, and birds help plants reproduce by transferring pollen from one plant to another. Pollination is critical in the production of many crops and essential in creating and preserving biodiversity.

More information

Learn more about the City’s pollinator meadows, pollinator gardens, and ideas on how to create a pollinator-friendly habitat at home at cnv.org/Pollinators. For questions, please contact the Engineering, Parks and Environment Department at eng@cnv.org or call 604-983-7333.

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