205 St. Patricks Ave

Golden Line Homes Ltd. has submitted a Development Variance Permit application to the City of North Vancouver for 205 St. Patricks Avenue to increase the lot maximum lot coverage from 50% to 56% and reduce the minimum setbacks to all lot linens to allow for the development of a 3-story 6 unit Ground Oriented Residential development with 4 lock of units, 11 bicycle parking spaces and 6 parking spaces..

205 St. Patrick's Ave 

Application Process & Information

Milestone Date Documents How To Participate
Application Accepted June 27th, 2023

Architectural Drawings

Landscape Drawings

Contact City staff with questions or comments.
Revised Submission Based on Feedback TBD  - Contact City staff with questions or comments.
Council Consideration TBD  - View Council agenda or learn how to participate at a Council Meeting (link: https://www.cnv.org/City-Hall/Council-Meetings).
Council Approval TBD  - Contact City staff or the Applicant with questions or comments.


Contact Info

City Contact

Linden Mulleder
Planning Lead
Telephone: 604-983-7357
Email: planning@cnv.org


Application Contact

Malinder Brar
Golden Line Homes LTD.
Telephone: 604-618-9219
Email: mindibrar22@gmail.com

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