All development in the City requires the provision of off-site (on City lands) servicing and infrastructure. This could include provision of new service connections and sidewalks for small developments, or upgrading of the streetscape, pedestrian, cycling and traffic infrastructure for large developments.
Criteria for off-site services is outlined in the City Design Criteria document and detailed in the Engineering Servicing Standards which supplement requirements under the current version of the Master Municipal Construction Document (MMCD).
Typical servicing requirements for single detached homes that could include coach houses include:
- Construction of a new sidewalk with curb and gutter
- Dedication of laneway setback where applicable
- Re-paving of laneway adjacent to the development
- Extension of storm sewers where none exists at fixed fee
- Severance of old and provision of new service connections for water, sewer, and drainage
- Restoration of City boulevards with turf
- Construction or restoration of City boulevards with street trees and turf
- On-site stormwater management facilities
Typical Servicing requirements for duplex homes include the above in addition to:
- Re-paving of street and/or lane to centreline
- Watermain upgrades where the utility is undersized
- Sanitary and storm sewer upgrades where the utility is undersized
- Provision of upgraded streetlighting
- Provision of underground servicing for third party hydro and communications.
Typical Servicing requirements for Three-Unit Dwelling or larger, and sub-division or parcel assembly include the following additional items:
- Moving third party utilities underground (e.g. hydro and communication)
- On-site and off-site landscaping designed by a professional landscape architect
- Off-site stormwater management facilities for roadways and post construction monitoring
Engineering Servicing Categories
Supplemental to the Master Municipal Construction Document (MMCD).