Alcohol may be consumed in designated areas from 11:00am to dusk, seven days a week.
Please refer to the map below for locations.
Map of Alcohol Allowed Zones

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Waterfront Park | north and south of the train tracks, excluding the playground
Victoria Park | west
Mahon Park | behind Fen Burdett bleachers)
Grand Boulevard / Ray Perrault Park | northwest corner of park, 13th to 19th Streets in Boulevard
Kings Mill Walk Park | Harbourside Place to Fell Ave *Temporarily Closed due to Construction*
Shipbuilders Square | The Shipyards
Cates Deck | The Shipyards
Note: Bylaw 8781 C only applies to the locations above, designated by City of North Vancouver.
Wondering about washrooms? They’re open until 10pm and you'll find one at most locations, including at The Shipyards.
Background of Alcohol Allowed Initiative
On June 1, 2020, Mayor and Council passed a bylaw allowing alcohol consumption at specific public locations in the City, as a pilot project. This initiative was part of Council’s commitment to make life a little easier during COVID-19 by giving residents the opportunity to use these spaces as extensions of their own backyards. Their decision made the City the first municipality in the province to allow the consumption of alcohol in designated outdoor spaces.
The initial pilot project ran from June 22-October 15, 2020, and the community was asked to share their thoughts on the initiative. The project received overwhelming support from both residents and businesses.
At the October 26, 2020 Council meeting, Mayor and Council voted unanimously to make alcohol consumption in certain City locations permanent.