City Venue Booking Application

Please review the following information before completing and submitting the City Venue Booking Application form to book a facility for your event.

General Event Information

Special Event Liquor Licence

If your event includes alcohol, review the Special Event Liquor Licensing Policy (PDF).



The City does not provide staff as part of your event booking. If you have a large and complex event we'll discuss staffing requirements with the organizer; additional charges will apply.



If RCMP support is deemed required, all RCMP costs will be borne by the event organizer.


Insurance and Indemnity

All bookings require a minimum of $5 million Commercial General Liability insurance naming the City of North Vancouver as an additional insured.

All insurance must be in forms and amounts acceptable to the City from insurers licensed to conduct business in Canada and must have a minimum AM Best rating of A-. User will indemnify and hold harmless the City of North Vancouver, and their respective officials, officers, employees and agents, against all loss, damage, expenses, proceedings, claims, demands or actions suffered or incurred by any of them arising out of or in connection with the User's use of this Civic Space.

Shipyards and Civic Plazas' Information

The Shipyards Event Info

The following information is important for bookings at The Shipyards and the Foot of Lonsdale.

  • Event & Rental Policy (PDF)
  • Street use - if you require the closure of Wallace Mews for programming you'll need to fill out a separate application which the City will provide.
  • Events in The Shipyards must adhere to The Shipyards Brand Guidelines. Please submit your creative for approval prior to distribution to

Civic Plazas Event Info

The following information is important for bookings at Civic Plaza, Rogers Plaza and Stella Jo Dean Plaza.

Please allow at least two full business days for a response.
Note that a minimum of two weeks' advance notice is required to process booking requests. For larger events that will involve the Fire Department, RCMP & multiple City Departments, at least 6 weeks' notice is required prior to the proposed event date.

Venue Information

Organizer Contact

Event Information

Event Logistics / Operational Overview

Environmental Responsibility

City Services Required


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