School the City

School the City is a community-based program that encourages students to be civically engaged.  

We've developed a School the City Activity Kit as a tool to assist educators, community service providers, and City staff to engage with young people and connect the community to City hall. These activities have been developed to continue to foster a highly collaborative environment in which partners work together to achieve positive outcomes for children, youth, emerging adults, and families.

There are 26 activities in the free toolkit that link directly to the BC Curriculum Core Competencies and are adaptable for a variety of age groups. You can start to use the toolkit now! If you'd like a facilitator to run an activity in the toolkit and have a City staff member to come to speak to your classroom, email View the School the City Tookit.

2024 Sutherland Showcase

Annually, Sutherland Secondary School’s Global Perspectives class collaborates with City staff on important civic topics. This year, their focus was on active transportation infrastructure, supported by a Vision Zero grant from Vancouver Coastal Health. Throughout the program, students delved into the benefits of active transportation infrastructure and shared their insights and ideas for safe active travel within the city.

On June 19, the 1800 block of Sutherland Avenue was closed to the public, providing a space for students to showcase their learnings and demonstrate the concept of a car-free street. This year’s program was made possible through the collaborative efforts of the School the City and the Safe and Active School Travel Program (SASTP). Check out the gallery below to learn about the student’s final showcase.

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