What is the Duplex Special Study Area – Southern Part?
The Duplex Special Study Area includes 58 properties within the 300 blocks of East 13th Street to East 16th Street.
The Special Study Area designation was established in the 2014 Official Community Plan (OCP) for consideration of a possible land use change at a future date to allow for duplex uses. Through the Special Study, lands could be designated in the OCP and/or rezoned.
What’s Happened So Far?
The Duplex Special Study began exploring low density housing options in consultation with area residents in July 2017. The process began with notification and an invitation to participate to owners and occupants within the study area by direct mail and area signage. A Preference Survey of owners, occupants and nearby residents was then conducted by mail and online, with 138 responses received.
In September 2017, an Open House was held to present a series of concepts for potential change in the area, based on input to date. An online form was used to gather input on four options for land use changes. Staff presented the results of the study to Council in March 2018 to seek direction on next steps in the process. The recommended option endorsed by Council provides for a wide range of ground-orientated housing in the study area.
In November 2021, Council approved Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No.8757 and Zoning Bylaw Amendment No.8758 relating to the northern part of the study area. These amendments allow for duplex development for the 88 lots in the in the northern part of the special study area without a requirement for individual rezoning applications. The OCP amendment also revised the Duplex Special Study Are boundary to remove the northern blocks from the study area, with corresponding text amendments
What Changes Are Proposed?
In the southern part of the study area, 58 lots are proposed to change to Residential Level 3 (townhouses, rowhouses) or Residential Level 4 (garden apartments). This would allow for ground-orientated housing in a variety of forms, including smaller, more affordable housing.
Process For Implementation
The process for implementing changes in the southern part of the study area is more complex than for the northern part (implemented in November 2021), because rowhouse and garden apartment forms of development do not currently exist in the Zoning Bylaw. This means that if an OCP amendment was taken forward for these lots, individual rezoning applications would still be required to take forward this form of development.
Further analysis is required to developer the required guidance and/or corresponding changes to zoning that would allow for rowhouse, garden apartment or other small lot options in the southern part of the study area. This work is anticipated to start in early 2022.