The Healthiest Small City in the World
Municipal government touches almost every aspect of daily life. From emergency services to sidewalks and roads to parks, housing and social programming—the vision and decisions of City Council directly influence quality of life.
With this in mind, Mayor Linda Buchanan and Council are pleased to introduce the City of North Vancouver’s 2022-2026 strategic priorities.
The Strategic Plan is an indispensable tool for tackling issues and opportunities and ensuring resources are used effectively. All of which helps to continue our efforts to create a healthy, thriving, and resilient community for people who live here now and for those who will in the future.
Vision & Priorities
Message from Mayor Linda Buchanan
On behalf of the City of North Vancouver Council, it is my honour to introduce our 2022-2026 Strategic Plan. This plan was developed carefully and collaboratively by members of Council, supported by the expertise of City staff. It charts our path forward and encompasses the shared vision we have for the community we are proud to call home.
In 2019, Council adopted its first ever-Strategic Plan with the goal of becoming the ‘Healthiest Small City in the World.’ Together we have accomplished much, but we recognize there is more to do to achieve our goal of being the ‘Healthiest Small City in the World.’ Healthy cities are about much more than just physical health, they are about the social determinants that shape community well-being. Health touches every aspect of our lives and that is why we have placed it at the centre of our agenda.
The commitments we have made to residents are unchanged. We are focused on advancing us as a resilient, welcoming, vibrant, connected, and prosperous city for all people. These are our strategic priorities. This is where we are going as a city and in this you will see how we intend to get there. As we look to these focus areas, and turn vision into action, we are guided by strong fiscal responsibility, equity, Reconciliation, and good governance.
These values and principles are foundational in our framework. In the years to come we will continue to prioritize public safety, we will deliver the services, homes, and infrastructure that people need, and we will grow our economy. The choices we make today will shape our future. That is why we are putting you at the heart of all of our decision-making. Our Strategic Plan is an intentional and mindful direction that honours where we have been, what we love about our community, and looks ahead to the future so we leave behind an even better city for generations to come. It is our roadmap.
We will not let the challenges of today define us. Instead, we set ourselves apart by using them as opportunities to adapt, grow, and emerge stronger than ever before. We have long been called ‘The Ambitious City.’ We earned this title by focusing on what is possible, rather than what is not. We can again harness our potential and bring new meaning to civic ambition.
As we progress on this journey, Council will be transparent and accountable to the community. Cities are about people, and engaging with the people who live, work, and play in the City of North Vancouver is critical to our success. New ideas and co-creating solutions is how we can inspire innovation, foster belonging, and embrace inclusion. I have never been more optimistic about what we can accomplish together. I invite you to join us.

Mayor Linda Buchanan
City of North Vancouver

City Council Commitments
As we carry out the responsibility residents have placed with us, we promise to be:
OPEN By being accessible, transparent, accountable and communicative, we strengthen relationships and build trust with the community.
INCLUSIVE By respecting, considering and including the diverse perspectives of all residents, we create a community fully involved in civic life.
RESPONSIBLE By being strategic stewards of City resources in balancing our responsibility to forward-thinking planning, environmental conservation, fiscal responsibility, and community well-being, we ensure long-term sustainability.
PROGRESSIVE By finding innovative approaches and partnerships that advance our City, we maintain high standards of service and an emphasis on continuous improvement.
ENGAGED AND INFORMED By harnessing the power of data, the professional expertise of City staff and the invaluable insights of our community, we can make informed decisions that move us forward together.
Where We're Going
Our vision is to be the Healthiest Small City in the World. Five key priorities guide our work in support of our vision:
A City for People
A Resilient City
A Connected City
A Prosperous City
A Vibrant City
How We Will Get There
For each priority, we have identified our aspirations and key actions over the next four years.
There are many ways we can achieve our priorities. Some are the City’s to deliver, while others require the support and involvement of others. For each, the City’s role is defined as:
Provide: The City is the lead for the work
Partner: The City will partner with others to deliver
Facilitate: The City will convene organizations, individuals, and other levels of government and jurisdictions to deliver.
Advocate: The City will advocate to senior levels of government and other agencies to deliver
Measuring Our Impact
The successful delivery of our strategic priorities is measured by the benefits realized by our community. Good data is crucial to making informed decisions. The City’s census data is one way that helps us to understand the make-up of our community and informs our evidence-based decision-making.
Currently, the City reports progress to Council and the community annually through its Financial Statements and Annual Municipal Report. Over the course of this Strategic Plan, key performance indicators will be developed so the City can further measure performance, identify areas for improvement, adjust to changing environments and circumstances, and continue to make informed decisions.

Our Planning Framework
- Council’s Strategic Plan: outlines vision and four-year direction of Council and informs the work of the organization.
- Corporate Business Plan: Presents the actions staff will take to support Council in achieving its vision and priorities.
- Financial Plan: A five-year plan that shows how the City can fund programs and projects.
- The Official Community Plan (OCP): Provides long-term policy guidance and aspirations.

is welcoming, inclusive, safe and accessible and supports the health and well-being of all.
leads the way in climate action and acts as a steward of the environment for future generations.
provides active and sustainable ways for people and goods to move to, from, and within the City safely and efficiently.
supports a diverse economy by creating an environment where new and existing businesses can grow and thrive.
is where dynamic public spaces and places provide opportunities for connection and enable residents to engage with their community, and celebrate their culture and history.
A City for People is welcoming, inclusive, safe and accessible and supports the health and well-being of all.
Council will strive to ensure our housing meets the diverse needs of our community. We will facilitate access to equitable spaces and services for connection, recreation and community services to improve our residents’ health and well-being.
- Adopt the Community Well-being Strategy Provide
- Deliver housing that aligns with the actions and needs established in the City’s Housing Action Plan and update the City’s Housing Plan to include policies, strategies and actions to deliver workforce housing (to address needs for those who are employed in essential industries in the City such as healthcare, emergency services and education) Provide/Partner/Advocate
- Continue to build partnerships with other levels of government and housing providers to deliver more housing diversity and affordability Partner/Advocate
- Advance relationships with local Indigenous communities and the City’s urban Indigenous population as one step toward Truth and Reconciliation Partner
- Encourage and support early childhood development opportunities, childcare and afterschool care and programs Partner/Facilitate/Advocate
- Improve accessibility in the City, making information, activities and the environment meaningful and usable to all people Provide/Partner/Facilitate
- Streamline development approvals process, ensuring options for early input from development community Provide
- Include more storytelling and civic engagement opportunities and campaigns throughout policies, projects, initiatives and public spaces Provide/Facilitate
A Resilient City leads the way in climate action and acts as a steward of the environment for future generations.
Council will create new and expanded environmental programs, services and outreach to respond to the climate crisis, protect our assets and community members, and achieve our goal of net-zero emissions by 2050, while enhancing and protecting the health of our environment.
- Adopt the Climate and Environment Strategy Provide
- Champion the improvement of cooling efficiencies in buildings through innovative designs and retrofits Provide/Partner
- Implement new climate adaptation and environmental improvement measures, including accelerating the expansion of the urban tree canopy, connecting our urban forests, and restoring natural areas Provide/Partner/Facilitate
- Support Lonsdale Energy Corporation in advancing its decarbonization strategy in order to transition to a net-zero emissions system Partner/Facilitate
- Continue to support the increase of the City’s water management systems such as rain gardens, permeable surfaces and stormwater management Provide/Partner/Facilitate
- Increase biodiversity, food production and community gardens throughout the City Provide/Partner/Facilitate
- Maintain focus on fostering opportunities to reduce food waste through partnerships with the business community and non-profit organizations Partner/Facilitate/Advocate
- Continue to explore opportunities to reduce noise levels and the impact of noise on our community Provide/Partner/Facilitate
- Continue to reduce transportation emissions through the implementation of the Mobility Strategy Provide/Partner
A Connected City provides active and sustainable ways for people and goods to move to, from, and within the City safely and efficiently.
Council will deliver safe, efficient and innovative transportation options that will improve walking, cycling and public transit for people of all ages and abilities.
- Undertake planning for rapid transit expansion (Burrard Inlet Rapid Transit) Partner/Advocate
- Support the effective use of curbside space through updated parking policy and practices Provide
- Increase the proportion of residents with safe and convenient access to transit and active transportation infrastructure Provide/Facilitate
- Advance the Priority Mobility Network focusing on increasing the number of mobility lanes (in kilometres), providing more education, communication and engagement around them Provide/Partner
- Begin construction of the Casano-Loutet Bridge, a new pedestrian and cycling overpass over Highway 1, linking the City’s Loutet and Cedar Village neighbourhoods Provide/Partner
- Continue to build out the sidewalk network to improve and support the walking experience Provide/Partner
- Continue to expand City wayfinding using signage, colour and design to support people to move throughout the City Provide/Partner
- Explore upgrades to the Lonsdale/Highway 1 overpass to improve accessibility, safety and comfort for people using active modes of transportation Provide/Partner
A Prosperous City supports a diverse economy by creating an environment where new and existing businesses can grow and thrive.
Council will make the City a destination of choice for economic opportunity by improving the services, leveraging assets through innovation, and engaging with the local business community to increase job opportunities that support both individuals and families.
- Adopt the Economic Investment Strategy Provide
- Explore and foster the growth of a health economic hub in Central Lonsdale Provide/Partner
- Develop a Strategic Land Stewardship Model that includes City land holdings, acquisitions, and use in the public interest Provide
- Increase the visibility and promotion of the City as a tourism destination Partner/Advocate
- Continue to explore opportunities to support local businesses Advocate/Facilitate
- Modernize the business licensing system and support continuous innovations in the delivery of City services to support businesses and attract investment Provide
- Foster the expansion of Business Improvement Associations throughout the City Partner
- Explore a land-use plan for the western areas of the City that are predominately office employment and light industrial Provide
A Vibrant City is where dynamic public spaces and places provide opportunities for connection and enable residents to engage with their community, and celebrate their culture and history.
Council will celebrate the rich diversity and heritage of our community through arts, culture, recreation and creative initiatives that foster a sense of place, enhance social connection and inclusion, invite play and support happiness while building a strong sense of belonging throughout the City.
- Activate public spaces—parks, streets, plazas, outdoor areas—for residents to gather together, interact and engage in activities Provide/Partner
- Implement the Kings Mill Walk Park Master Plan Provide/Partner
- Reimagine, revitalize and repurpose Central Lonsdale Avenue as a ‘great street’ to support commercial activity, enhance esthetics, walkability, vibrancy and history Provide/Partner/Facilitate
- Create a Waterfront Park Masterplan that celebrates the history and culture of Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish) and səl̓ilwətaɬ (Tsleil-Waututh) Nations, emphasizes the park’s regional importance and enhances and improves the connection to Burrard Inlet Provide/Partner
- Create partnerships and host a multicultural festival to support connections, economic opportunities and showcase arts, culture and heritage Partner/Facilitate
- Develop an Arts and Culture Strategy Provide
- Establish a memorial for victims of Flight PS752 Provide/Partner