TransLink have submitted a Planning Application to amend the City's Official Community Plan. This application will initiate draft future land uses and building heights for the former TransLink Bus Depot site along East 3rd Street in the Moodyville neighbourhood.
The redevelopment's goal is to meet objectives and goals of the City’s Official Community Plan, the 2022-2026 Council Strategic Plan vision, the Metro Vancouver Regional Growth Strategy, and other relevant City of North Vancouver policies. The City will complete a community benefits assessment when considering the application.
TransLink, with the guidance of City staff, will engage with members of the community and relevant interest holders to shape the proposal.
The anticipated development process for the OCP amendment application is as follows:
TransLink is hosting an in-person Developer Information Session to provide an opportunity for the public to learn about their proposed concept and provide feedback.
Developer Information Session
For more information regarding upcoming engagement activities, please visit TransLink’s project website at
Questions about the development, permits, and more: Planning Team City of North Vancouver | | 604-982-9675 Questions about Translink Moodyville Development: TransLink | | 604-306-4135