The New Harry Jerome Community Recreation Centre

Through 2025 and early 2026, we will be completing a new community recreation centre that embraces the City’s vision of A Healthy City for All, and focuses on physical and mental health, wellness, inclusion, and diversity.

The new Harry Jerome Community Recreation Centre (HJCRC), located in the heart of Central Lonsdale on the north side of East 23rd Street between Lonsdale Avenue and St. Georges Avenue, is now out of the ground with steel and wood structure, exterior envelope and interior finishes well underway. Construction began with site preparation and excavation in March of 2022 and is expected to open to the public in the spring of 2026. 

As the City’s largest ever capital program, replacement of the 59-year-old HJCRC includes an arena with a 500-spectator capacity, more aquatic space, indoor and outdoor fitness amenities, new skate park, preschool and youth spaces and a new facility for Silver Harbour Seniors’ Activity Centre. Underground parking will maximize the site’s buildable space.

The current Harry Jerome Community Recreation Centre, Memorial Gymnasium and Centennial Theatre will continue to remain open and operating during construction. Mickey McDougall Recreation Centre is currently undergoing energy and accessibility upgrades, and interior renovations in preparation of being the new home of Flicka Gymnastics Club.

What’s Happening Now

The overall construction of the new centre has now surpassed the 70% complete stage. Concrete work, structural steel and mass timber installation is substantially complete. Mechanical and electrical equipment infrastructure is at 70% completion.

The aquatics area, gymnasium and arena roofs are watertight and exterior insulation, glazing, and brick masonry work is currently underway. Two of the three pool tank bottoms have been completed, and tank testing and tiling is underway.

Project Info Sheets

Construction Timeline

The project remains on track and the project scope and construction will take place between spring 2022 and 2026. 
The schedule includes:

  • March 2022 – Site preparation and demolition work - Completed 
  • June 2022 – Foundation work - Completed
  • Summer 2022 – Financing finalized and construction phase authorized. 
  • Fall 2022 – Permitting and start of construction.
  • 2023 – Foundation concrete to grade - Completed
  • 2024 / 2025 – Major building structure and envelope works – Near completion
  • 2025 – Interiors, commissioning, landscaping and off-site works - Underway
  • Early 2026 – Substantial Completion of the new HJCRC 
  • Spring 2026 - Opening celebration.

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we work to transform the site to make way for the new centre.

Construction & Parking Impacts


During construction, single lane alternating traffic will be in place for the majority of the project. Temporary road closures may be required. Signage will be posted showing alternate routes and flag personnel will be on site to help keep traffic moving. For project updates, visit


Onsite parking is closed to allow for construction of the new Harry Jerome Community Recreation Centre. A limited number of parking spots are available at North Shore Alliance Church and other areas nearby. See map for details. Please consider walking, cycling or taking transit.

Harry Jerome project parking lot closures 

Latest Photos

HJCRC - Latest Photos


As part of the redevelopment of the site, 209 new trees will be planted as part of the project’s landscape plan and the row of street trees along Lonsdale Avenue frontage will be retained.

Skate Park

The City is building a new skate park as part of the redevelopment of the new Harry Jerome Community Recreation Centre (HJCRC). Budgeted at 1.2 million, the new skate park will be completed for the opening of the new facility. 

Community Consultation Process

Planning, consultation and design for the new skate park began in 2018 and included a comprehensive consultation process with the local skateboard community as detailed below.

April 2018 – Design Workshop #1

The first design workshop helped determine the overall vision for the style of skate park. Approximately 25 members from the skateboard community attended and provided feedback on desired features, materials and layout options. There was overwhelming support to create a space that felt like a public plaza but is built specifically for skateboarding.

This workshop included a presentation by the skate park designers - New Line Skateparks - two dotmocracy exercises, participant feedback forms, and an open group discussion. The most requested design features included:

  • Flow and ease of movement
  • Different zones 
  • Wide variety of ledge features
  • Low to medium impact stair sets 
  • A ‘cornerstone’ high starting point to allow for views of the entire skate plaza 
  • Integrated seating / social space

May 2018 – Open House at CityFest

As the largest Youth Week event in the Lower Mainland, CityFest provided an opportunity to engage the general community with information about skate park considerations and offer a chance to ask questions and provide feedback. The project received a high level of support from the community.  

May 2018 – Design Workshop #2

The second design workshop presented two conceptual designs for the new skate park, which were based on input received from the first workshop and CityFest. Approximately 30 members of the skateboard community attended and provided feedback on a preferred design.

Through an open and informed conversation, the opportunities and challenges of each design were discussed in detail. Concept 1 emerged as the preferred design, with 92% of participants selecting it as their preferred option. Other topics of discussion included potential for a roof structure, lighting and other amenities such as water fountains and seating. 

skate park design concepts

July 2022 – Final Design

After the skate park engagement completed, Council directed staff to reassess the proposed recreation facility to ensure it was rightsized for our community. While the reassessment resulted in significant changes to the Harry Jerome Community Recreation Centre project since 2019 – as well as a revised timeline for construction – the final design for the skate park retains the community’s preferred design vision of creating a street-style skate park that is integrated into the surrounding landscape.

The skate park layout provides an abundance of open space with a variety of features such as benches, rails, steps and banks, creating a dynamic urban plaza specifically tailored to the skateboard experience. One of the signature features of the design is a seven foot tall, forty foot long 'wall ride' built directly into the exterior of the building.

Other skate park features include:

  • Gathering zone and starting area
  • 8 stair, 5 stair, and 2 stair features
  • Flatground zone
  • Wall ride transition feature
  • Main lower plaza with multiple bank hips
  • Viewing and seating area

Skate Park Design Renderings

HJCRC New Skate Park

Mahon Skate Park

The new Mahon Skate Plaza is now open at Mahon Park to support skateboarding in the City while HJCRC’s new skate park is being constructed. The skate plaza will be a permanent feature with opportunities for all skill levels. Public engagement on the design was held in May 2022 and included an online survey and design workshop with members of the skateboard community. 

Learn more at


View the full details of the proposed Financial Strategy, Council Report and Presentation to Councilfrom February 13, 2023

The updated financial strategy combines low-interest, short-term financing from B.C.’s Municipal Financing Authority (MFA) to fund the construction of HJCRC, and the disposition of city-owned land when the project is completed in 2026. While delivering this important project, mitigating financial impacts on taxpayers remains a key priority.

The budget for the complex is $230 million, and incorporates the contract prices of 93% of works tendered throughout 2024, costs related to soil remediation and an increased allowance for contingency and escalation for untendered works. 

The financial strategy for HJCRC/SH utilizes a variety of funding sources and processes:

  • Utilization of City reserves and Municipal Finance Authority (MFA) loan;
  • Future disposition of Harry Jerome Neighbourhood Lands (HJNL);
  • Phased procurement to mitigate market escalation;
  • Modified project delivery to phase works within financial capacity;
  • Contracts awarded once funding in place; and
  • Value engineering to mitigate tender pricing

The projects in the overall HJ site redevelopment program are:

  • Construction of a new HJCRC
  • Relocation and construction of a new North Vancouver Lawn Bowling Club and lawn bowling facilities;
  • Relocation of the Flicka Gymnastics Club to the Mickey McDougall Community Recreation Centre;
  • Relocation and construction of a new Silver Harbour Centre;
  • Relocation of electrical power Centennial Theatre; and
  • Delivery of a new community park on the Harry Jerome Neighbourhood Lands (HJNL).

In November 2021, the City terminated its Offer to Lease for Phase 2 of the HJNL as a result of the developer not meeting a key contractual term of the agreement – prompting Council’s request for an updated Financial Strategy for the project.


Design Elements

Amenities in the New Community Recreation Centre

The development of a new state-of-the-art facility will deliver exceptional experiences, programs and services to all community members.

The community recreation centre will be home to a wide range of new and improved recreational, cultural and green space improvements including:

  • community atrium and gathering areas
  • arena with seating for 500 spectators
  • significantly more aquatic space
  • indoor and outdoor fitness spaces
  • full-size gymnasium
  • numerous multipurpose spaces
  • preschool and youth spaces
  • outdoor active/passive areas
  • arts space
  • community kitchen
  • new skate park
  • nature play area
  • a multi-activity court

Sustainable Design

The new HJCRC’s sustainable design and building materials are key priorities to minimize the impact on the environment while improving building performance. The new community recreation centre will play a role in advancing the City’s Corporate Climate Action Plan by significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions, with an energy savings of 53% from the National Energy Code for Buildings 2017 baseline. Currently, the HJCRC accounts for 29% of the City’s building greenhouse gas emissions.

Other sustainable efforts at the new recreation centre will include: 

  • maximizing heat recovery through C02 refrigeration;
  • a highly insulated building envelope;
  • maximizing rain-water re-use on site;
  • extensive natural daylight and passive solar strategies;
  • innovative low-energy pool filtration system; and,
  • electric vehicle and bike charging stations. 

Accessible Design

Driven by the City’s vision of A Healthy City for All and guided by the City’s Community Recreation Strategy, the new HJCRC is focused on physical and mental wellness, inclusion, accessibility and diversity.

The new facility will create a barrier-free, accessible space for everyone and is pursuing the gold standard in the Rick Hansen Foundation Accessibility Certification program.

Design of the Recreation Centre

Harry Jerome Community Recreation Centre

Video of New Community Recreation Centre Exterior & Interior


Project Background

Project Background Timeline

For the past several years, the City has engaged with stakeholders and the public regarding the direction and scope of the HJCRC program.

Timeline of recent Council direction:

  • March 29, 2022 - Ground breaking with City representatives and dignitaries (see April 1, 2022 news story).
  • February 28, 2022 – Council gives greenlight to start development of the new HJCRC.
  • January 2022 – Council approves new financial strategy for HJCRC, ensuring project remains on track.
  • November 22, 2021 – Council directs staff to keep the current centre open until the new one is complete.
  • April 12, 2021 – Council approves a new design for Harry Jerome.
  • January 2021 – City announced it will align the delivery of the new facility with the development of the surrounding Harry Jerome Neighbourhood Lands to mitigate financial risk.
  • March 2020 – Council directed staff to redesign Harry Jerome based on the prioritization process of the City’s Community Recreation Strategy. 
  • February 2020 – The Community Recreation Strategy – “A Healthy City for All – The Role of Community Recreation” was endorsed by Council at the February 24 meeting. 
  • May 2019 – The deferred report was received and filed at the May 13 Council meeting. Staff were directed to undertake a Community Recreation Strategy, inclusive of HJCRC and associated projects.
  • March 2019 – A report outlining potential cost reductions and risk mitigation measures was brought forward for Council’s consideration. The report was deferred at the March 4, 2019 Council meeting.
  • November 2018 – Council requested that staff consider additional risk mitigation and cost containing strategies for the HJCRC project.
  • July 2018 – Council directed staff to proceed with detailed design and refined costing of the HJCRC facility and program. 

Project Partners

The HJCRC redevelopment project is being designed by HCMA Architecture + Design, which has delivered award-winning community recreation centre projects throughout the Lower Mainland and across Canada.

MAKE Project Management has been hired to manage the project, and Smith Bros & Wilson is the general contractor for the project.

Project Documents









2017 & Earlier

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